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; TC[T160716A]
; CL[C]
; EV[Tampereen Kesae 2016]
; PC[FI, Tampere]
; DT[2016-07-16,2016-07-16]
; HA[h9]
; KM[6.5]
; TM[32.2]
; CM[ (submitted by MarkkuJantunen)]
1 Jantunen Markku   3d FI  Laht  41   4    196  961  2-/b   0+     3+/w5  2+/b1  0+     3+/w7   |10233784
2 Yang Bean         3d FI  HGK   41   4    190  960  1+/w   3+/w5  0+     1-/w1  3+/w6  0+      |16450852
3 Lehtola Ville     3k FI  TTgo  34   2    189  954  0+     2-/b5  1-/b5  0+     2-/b6  1-/b7   |15913194

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« This particular version was published on 16-Jul-2016 19:35 by