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There is a plan to rent a bus for travel to St Petersburg Go Congress 2003. Most likely we will depart Saturday morning July 19 and return Sunday morning, on 3rd August. Here is a [list|MatkustusPietarinKongressiin2003] of those Finnish persons who are interested to go as well. Add your name below if you are interested. |
(Here's a short howto: Click on the "Muokkaa sivua" link below. You will see a blue editor screen, where you can change the contents of the page. For more information, please see [JSPWiki:TextFormattingRules], and [JSPWiki:EditPageHelp].) |
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-- [Matti_Siivola] 2.12.2002 |
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||Name|| |
|Steve Bailey| |
|Pauline Bailey| |
|Ruurd Wiersma <>| |
|peter zandveld <>| |
!Confirmed entries: |
||Name||train return (G)||visa status||personal data received by Matti |
|Matti Siivola |3.8. 16.50 (G2)|received| yes |
|Sinikka Siivola |3.8. 16.50 (G2)|received| yes |
|[Antti Holappa] |3.8. 16:50 (G2)|received| yes |
|Ruurd Wiersma |3.8. 16.50 (G2)|received|yes |
|Tuomo Salo | 3.8. 16:50 (G2)|received|yes |
|Peter Zandveld |3.8 16.50 (G2)|received|yes |
|Arend Van Oosten| 3.8. 16.50 (G2?)|-|yes |
|[JanneJalkanen] |[28.7. (G1)|ReturnFromStPetersburg2003]|received|yes |
|Steve Bailey |3.8. 7.50|received| yes |
|Pauline Bailey |3.8. 7.50|received| yes |
|Thomas Gaebler | 27.7. klo 16.50|waiting for visa| yes |
|[Markus Runonen]| 28.7 | received |yes |
|Olli Lounela |[28.7. (G1)|ReturnFromStPetersburg2003]|received|yes |
|Jan Hlinovsky | (31.7.) | received| yes |
|Mauri Torikka |3.8. 7.50| received| yes |
|Niklas Möller |3.8. 7.50| received| yes |
|Jouni Kärkkäinen| 28.7 | received| yes |
|[Vesa Laatikainen|Vesa]| 27.-28.7.|received| - |
|Sari Kohonen | 27-28.7.|received| - |
|Marko Brockman | 28.7.|received| - |
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(Here's a short howto: Click on the "Muokkaa sivua" link below. You will see a blue editor screen, where you can change the contents of the page. For more information, please see [JSPWiki:TextFormattingRules], and [JSPWiki:EditPageHelp].) |
!Non confirmed entries |
||Name||train return||visa status |
|Timo Puha|?|-|euro? |
|Krister Strand |3.8. 7.50| received| - |
At line 33 added 2 lines |
__NB.__ It's by now confirmed that we'll be going with train. Departure from Helsinki is Saturday, 19.7. at 7:42. [See here|] for complete timetable, it's the choice 'A'. -- DonOlli 10.7. |
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I have got an offer from a bus company for a bus of 30 places return trip with a total of 2125 euro. That would go from Helsinki to the congress site directly. Departure would be on Saturday 19th July and return to Helsinki on Sunday 3rd August. A return train ticket from Helsinki to St Petersburg in the second class will cost 95,30 euro. A group of 6 -24 persons will get a 40% discount. It is possible that a bus will pick us at the railway station in St. Petersburg if we come by train. If a group by train is gathered we would depart by a Finnish train "Sibelius" on Saturday morning 7.42. For us finns to return |
the "Sibelius" train on Sunday 16.50 would be convenient, but you may state your preferences. Other options are 16.50 on saturday and train "Repin" 7.50 on Sunday morning. |
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So, we have options: rent a bus, take a bus line to St. Petersburg Center (84 Euro return) or go by train. |
!Returning on or about 28.7? |
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Are you interested in travelling in a group? |
Those who are returning after the first weekend, and are interested in getting a group ticket back, add your name to the list on [ReturnFromStPetersburg2003]. |
At line 21 changed 21 lines |
!Confirmed entries: |
||Name||train group ~60 euro (G1)||train return (G)||visa status||personal data received by Matti |
|Matti Siivola| yes|3.8. 16.50 (G2)|received| yes |
|Sinikka Siivola| yes|3.8. 16.50 (G2)|invitation received| yes |
|[Antti Holappa]| yes|3.8. 16:50 (G2)|waiting for visa| yes |
|Ruurd Wiersma|yes|3.8. 16.50 (G2?)|received|yes |
|Tuomo Salo| yes | 3.8. 16:50 (G2?)|applied|yes |
|Arend Van Oosten|yes| 3.8. 16.50 (G2?)|-|yes |
|Markku Jantunen|group yes, return only|3.8. 16.50 (G2?)|waiting for invitation| no |
|[JanneJalkanen]| yes|28.7.|applied|yes |
|Peter Zandveld| yes|?|-|yes |
|Steve Bailey|yes|3.8. 7.50|received| yes |
|Pauline Bailey|yes|3.8. 7.50|received| yes |
|Thomas Gaebler|yes| 27.7. klo 16.50|waiting for visa| yes |
|[Markus Runonen]| yes| 28.7 | applied no| |
|Jouni Kärkkäinen| yes | 28.7 | applied| no |
|Olli Lounela| yes| about 28.7. |applied|no |
|[Vesa Laatikainen|Vesa]| no| 27.-28.7.|invitation received| - |
|Sari Kohonen| no| 27-28.7.|invitation received| - |
|Jan Hlinovsky| one way| (31.7.) | waiting for invitation| yes |
|Mauri Torikka|yes|3.8. 7.50| waiting for invitation| almost |
!Going via Helsinki? |
At line 43 changed 5 lines |
!Non confirmed entries |
||Name||train group ~60 euro||train return||visa status |
|Timo Puha| yes?|?|-|euro? |
I will decide around 10th of June whether to rent the bus. Please confirm |
you intentions before that. |
I am coming along and I hope that it is still places left on the train. I know am to late for the group ticket. |
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[Matti] Siivola 23.5.2003 |
-- [Krister Strand|] |
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Västerås go club |
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It would seem that there are few of us who are planning to return on the 27th as well. Does a group have to return back on the same train to qualify for the discount or should we gather 6 persons to return on the 27th? |
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-- [JanneJalkanen] |
Request for bed, RFB: |
I'm travelling from Stockholm to Helsinki the day before the train is leaving (since there is no way for me to arrive early enough in the morning), and I would be very happy if any of my fellow travellers may give me roof and shelter for the night. Since we are leaving together, I guess the inconvenience will not be too big. I don?t even snore. |
At line 53 added one line |
Grateful for help, please e-mail me at: |
At line 55 added 2 lines |
Regards, |
Niklas |
At line 58 added 13 lines |
--- [Niklas Möller], Stockholm GO Club, 2.7.2003 |
;:''Bed offered and accepted. I've got room for a couple more, if anyone else needs a bed. --[JanneJalkanen|]'' |
I am also interested, I'll bring my own sleeping bag. BTW, how exciting is Helsinki on friday morning? |
[Ruurd Wiersma|] |
;:''Sure, welcome! [Email me for details|] --JanneJalkanen''. |
---- |
!!Discussion |
At line 114 changed one line |
I changed the column about bus ride to indicate whter I has recieved the personal dat<a for the group ticket. I intend to buy the Helsinki St. Petersburg group ticket on July. |
I changed the column about bus ride to indicate whether I have received the personal data for the group ticket. I intend to buy the Helsinki St. Petersburg group ticket on July. |
At line 118 changed 2 lines |
on 3.8 on ytain which depart 16.50 and marked it with G2. Pelase confirm it by removing the question mark or reject by deteltin G2. If six persons are left before we depart I will |
by a groupp ticket for that too. |
on 3.8 on train which departs 16.50 and marked it with G2. Please confirm it by removing the question mark or reject by deleting G2. If six persons are left before we depart I will |
by a group ticket for that too. |
At line 136 added 13 lines |
I reorganized this page a lot. --JanneJalkanen |
I added G1 and the link to the page to the table to denote the group leaving on 28.7. Strange, Jani Lahtinen is not on the above table, but is on [the separate page.|ReturnFromStPetersburg2003] |
-- DonOlli, 10.7. |
I have now made a reservation also for G2 return group. |
For departure, we will on Saturday morning 7.10 at the railway station restaurant |
"Asemaravintola" upstairs. |
-- [Matti] Siivola 13.7.2003 |