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Confirmed entries:#

Nametrain return (G)visa statuspersonal data received by Matti
Matti Siivola 3.8. 16.50 (G2)received yes
Sinikka Siivola 3.8. 16.50 (G2)received yes
Antti Holappa 3.8. 16:50 (G2)received yes
Ruurd Wiersma 3.8. 16.50 (G2)receivedyes
Tuomo Salo 3.8. 16:50 (G2)receivedyes
Peter Zandveld 3.8 16.50 (G2)receivedyes
Arend Van Oosten 3.8. 16.50 (G2?)-yes
JanneJalkanen 28.7. (G1)receivedyes
Steve Bailey 3.8. 7.50received yes
Pauline Bailey 3.8. 7.50received yes
Thomas Gaebler 27.7. klo 16.50waiting for visa yes
Markus Runonen 28.7 received yes
Olli Lounela 28.7. (G1)receivedyes
Jan Hlinovsky (31.7.) received yes
Mauri Torikka 3.8. 7.50 received yes
Niklas Möller 3.8. 7.50 received yes
Jouni Kärkkäinen 28.7 received yes
Vesa Laatikainen 27.-28.7.received -
Sari Kohonen 27-28.7.received -
Marko Brockman 28.7.received -

Non confirmed entries #

Nametrain returnvisa status
Timo Puha?-euro?
Krister Strand 3.8. 7.50 received -

NB. It's by now confirmed that we'll be going with train. Departure from Helsinki is Saturday, 19.7. at 7:42. See here for complete timetable, it's the choice 'A'. -- DonOlli 10.7.

Returning on or about 28.7?#

Those who are returning after the first weekend, and are interested in getting a group ticket back, add your name to the list on ReturnFromStPetersburg2003.

Going via Helsinki?#

I am coming along and I hope that it is still places left on the train. I know am to late for the group ticket.

-- Krister Strand

Västerås go club

Request for bed, RFB: I'm travelling from Stockholm to Helsinki the day before the train is leaving (since there is no way for me to arrive early enough in the morning), and I would be very happy if any of my fellow travellers may give me roof and shelter for the night. Since we are leaving together, I guess the inconvenience will not be too big. I don?t even snore.

Grateful for help, please e-mail me at: niklas.moller@infra.kth.se

Regards, Niklas

--- Niklas Möller, Stockholm GO Club, 2.7.2003

Bed offered and accepted. I've got room for a couple more, if anyone else needs a bed. --JanneJalkanen

I am also interested, I'll bring my own sleeping bag. BTW, how exciting is Helsinki on friday morning? Ruurd Wiersma

Sure, welcome! Email me for details --JanneJalkanen.


I'd prefer train over bus, because train has (atleast the russian coach) sturdy tables which should be very suitable for playing and the travel by train is more comfortable too. However the fallback is the need to change to bus or another train at St. Petersburg central station.

-- Jukka Lindström

If one goes there for the first week, it is well worth noting that participating also in the weekend tournament is an excellent idea. The schedule shows that the weekend tournament finishes around 8 pm on Sunday the 27th.

This suggests return by night train, although train schedules don't really support it. Looks like the realistic choice for direct train is the one called Sibelius, which departs 16.50 and arrives 21.12. Other than that, train to Tallinn and crossing the Baltic from there with fast ferry might be an option, though I don't have the schedules for the Tallinn trains nor time to find out, I'm afraid.

-- DonOlli

Good point. Returning on Monday morning on the 7.50 train would also be okay with me.

-- JanneJalkanen

We have a flight to catch from Helsinki to London on Sunday 3rd evening (17:25 flight, 15:25 check-in(07:50 train arrives Helsinki 12:18)). We would probably prefer the bus as direct door to door.

-- Steve & Pauline Bailey

I got another offer for the bus: 1950 Euro for a bus of 45-50 persons. If we only could get that many...

-- Matti Siivola

I'm planning on taking the first train Sunday, July 20th from Helsinki to SPb. I used to live in SPb, so I'll have no problem getting from the train station to the University. If anyone else wants to go Sunday morning, I'd be happy to have company for the trip. It'd be REALLY cool if we had six Igo-niki so we could get the discount. Interested, email me at james@bluedash.com.

-- James Acres

Don't forget to get visa to Russia early enough. It may take six to twelve working day at your local embassy.

-- VeT

We do not have enough persons for a bus, so the group travel will be arranged by train. One group ticket from Helsinki St Petersburg on 19th July will be purchased. If we find six persons or more returning on a same train a group ticket for that group can also be arranged. Please insert information on your return plans! Indicate also whether you have applied or received your visa. I will soon need personal data of the people who will join the group ticket.

-- Matti Siivola 10.6.2003

I made reservation for a group ticket for the 13 confirmed entries on the list from Helsinki to St Petersburg. The following personal data is needed in the reservation: Name, nationality, date of birth and passport number. Please send those to me: mailto:Matti.Siivola@Helsinki.fi.

I can still add person to the reservation until I get the ticket from the office.

-- Matti Siivola 11.6.2003

I removed myself from the list, because of unexpected money shortage.

-- Jukka Lindström 13.6.2003

I will arrive to Helsinky by plane the 20th jully 14:50. Could you tell me if i can catch a train to St petersbourg ? What time ? returning sunday 3rd whatever time Geraldine.paget@orsem-hybrides.fr

The train leaves from Pasila 15.49. It is possible to catch it as it is 15-20 minutes drive from the airport, but if ypur plane is late then you have trouble. Anyway it is possible, but expensive to catch the train by taxi.

-- Matti Siivola 1.7.2003

I changed the column about bus ride to indicate whether I have received the personal data for the group ticket. I intend to buy the Helsinki St. Petersburg group ticket on 10.th July. If I am missing personal data for a person that time I might not be able to include the person in the group. Be sure that if you leave you passport in the embassy to write down the number.

I made an indication for a group ticket for the trip back from St.Petersburg to Helsinki. on 3.8 on train which departs 16.50 and marked it with G2. Please confirm it by removing the question mark or reject by deleting G2. If six persons are left before we depart I will by a group ticket for that too.

It is possible that players returning after the first week can collect six persons in the same train, but I leave the organising to one of those.

-- Matti Siivola 1.7.2003

I reorganized this page a lot. --JanneJalkanen

I added G1 and the link to the page to the table to denote the group leaving on 28.7. Strange, Jani Lahtinen is not on the above table, but is on the separate page.

-- DonOlli, 10.7.

I have now made a reservation also for G2 return group.

For departure, we will on Saturday morning 7.10 at the railway station restaurant "Asemaravintola" upstairs.

-- Matti Siivola 13.7.2003

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