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This page (revision-192) was last changed on 01-Mar-2007 13:16 by Lauri Paatero  

This page was created on 21-Nov-2002 14:01 by PaavoPietarila

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At line 125 changed one line
Lähes vastaava taulukko Romanian pelaajista (tiedot ovat eri järjestyksessä kuin Markun koostamissa taulukoissa, koska minä olen puusilmä ja laiskakin vielä --Jaakko):
Lähes vastaava taulukko Romanian pelaajista --Jaakko:
At line 128 changed 16 lines
|Preotescu Dan|3 dan|2 d*|DanPreoGO|1d|>129|
|Arsinoaia Viorel|2 dan|2 d*|viorel| NR|>62|
|Cioata Daniel|5 dan|5 d*|DCioata| 5d|>1692|
|Deaconu Lucian|5 dan|4 d* |JIM| 5d|>168|
|Burzo Sergiu|1 dan|3 d*|bombay| NR|>384|
|Dobrescu Ion|1 dan|2 d*|cilianu| NR|>49|
|Milu Mihai|2 dan|2 d*|mdm| 3d|>68|
|Bordea George|1 dan|1 d*|deicide| 3d|>372|
|Sirb Laurentiu|1 dan|1 d*|lutzu| 1d|>839|
|Mandache Niculae|3 dan|2 d*|Nic| 2d|>906|
|Cornel Burzo|5 dan|6 d*|MyMaster| NR|>481|
|Dobrescu Ion|1 dan|2 d*|JEAN| NR|>235|
|Catalin Mutu|3 dan|2 d*|ios| 3d|>150|
|Valentin Popa|1 kyu|1 d*|stonecrazy|2d|>52|
|Baciu Radu|4 dan|2 d*|BALOO|3d|>98|
|Dumitrescu Bogdan|1 dan|1 d*|DBogdan|2d|>22|
|Dan Preotescu|3 dan|2d*|DanPreoGO|1d|>129|
|Viorel Arsinoaia|2 dan|2d*|viorel|NR|>62|
|Daniel Cioata|5 dan|5d*|DCioata|5d|>1692|
|Lucian Deaconu|5 dan|4d*|JIM|5d|>168|
|Sergiu Burzo|1 dan|3d*|bombay|NR|>384|
|Ion Dobrescu|1 dan|2d*|cilianu|NR|>49|
|Mihail Milu|2 dan|2d*|mdm|3d|>68|
|George Bordea|1 dan|1d*|deicide|3d|>372|
|Laurentiu Sirb|1 dan|1d*|lutzu|1d|>839|
|Mandache Niculae|3 dan|2 d*|Nic|2d|>906|
|Cornel Burzo|5 dan|6d*|MyMaster|NR|>481|
|Ion Dobrescu|1 dan|2d*|JEAN|NR|>235|
|Mutu Catalin|3 dan|2d*|ios|3d|>150|
|Popa Valentin|1 kyu|1d*|stonecrazy|2d|>52|
|Radu Baciu|4 dan|2d*|BALOO|3d|>98|
|Bogdan Dumitrescu|1 dan|1d*|DBogdan|2d|>22|
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
192 01-Mar-2007 13:16 92.765 kB Lauri Paatero to previous
191 01-Mar-2007 13:16 92.766 kB Lauri Paatero to previous | to last
190 12-Apr-2005 06:41 92.715 kB DonOlli to previous | to last
189 11-Apr-2005 16:50 91.687 kB to previous | to last
188 11-Apr-2005 16:37 91.49 kB to previous | to last
187 11-Apr-2005 16:34 91.489 kB to previous | to last
186 11-Apr-2005 16:31 91.463 kB to previous | to last
185 11-Apr-2005 16:13 91.462 kB to previous | to last
184 11-Apr-2005 16:02 91.462 kB to previous | to last
183 11-Apr-2005 15:59 91.462 kB to previous | to last
182 11-Apr-2005 15:58 91.462 kB to previous | to last
181 11-Apr-2005 15:50 90.656 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-192) was last changed on 01-Mar-2007 13:16 by Lauri Paatero