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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
Joonas-Jouni-2013-B+res.sgf 0.9 kB 1 09-Jun-2013 11:59 Jouni Valkonen Takapotku neljäs kierros tappio
Jouni-Antti-2013-B+res.sgf 0.8 kB 1 09-Jun-2013 11:58 Jouni Valkonen Takapotku kolmas kierros voitto
Jouni-Sami-2013-B+res.sgf 1.4 kB 1 09-Jun-2013 11:57 Jouni Valkonen eka kierros voitto
bang-jouni-r4.sgf 1.4 kB 1 07-Feb-2016 19:16 HelOp2016.r4 bang-jouni 0-1
eerika1204.sgf 10.6 kB 1 23-Apr-2012 19:15 Jouni Valkonen JSM r.3 vs. Eerika Norvio
henry-jouni-2013-b+res.sgf 1.2 kB 1 09-Jun-2013 17:33 Jouni Valkonen takapotkun viides kierros tappio
joonas1204.sgf 1.7 kB 1 23-Apr-2012 19:17 Jouni Valkonen JSM r.5 vs. Joonas Ylönen
jouni-arto-r1.sgf 0.6 kB 1 06-Feb-2016 13:43 HelOp2016.r1 jouni-arto 1-0
jouni-henry-r3.sgf 1.1 kB 1 07-Feb-2016 13:51 HelOp2016.r3 jouni-henry 1-0
kiyoshi09.sgf 1.4 kB 1 03-Aug-2009 15:21 Jouni Valkonen EGC 6. kierros
mika1204.sgf 1.0 kB 1 23-Apr-2012 19:13 Jouni Valkonen JSM r.2 vs. Mika Niskala
ming09.sgf 1.1 kB 1 29-Jul-2009 18:28 Jouni Valkonen EGC 3.kierros
olli1204.sgf 1.8 kB 1 23-Apr-2012 19:16 Jouni Valkonen JSM r.4 vs. Olli Pulkkinen
pekka1204.sgf 1.4 kB 1 23-Apr-2012 19:12 Jouni Valkonen JSM r.1 vs. Pekka Keipi
pempu-jouni-r2.sgf 1.6 kB 1 07-Feb-2016 19:17 HelOp2016.r2 jouni-pempu 0-1
pessi1104.sgf 1.2 kB 1 04-Apr-2011 17:45 Jouni Valkonen jsm round 1

This page (revision-147) was last changed on 14-Mar-2017 21:59 by Jouni Valkonen  

This page was created on 14-Jun-2007 01:10 by Jouni Valkonen

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Turkulainen 2001/1554
Turusta, 1 dan
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!New go tournament result server
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Parsa is still under development, broken and stalled, but it's main idea is that it displays tournament results in standardized manner and be fully featured tournament result server. Main source for data is EGD, but external sources are also possible.
Standardized result display means means that highest group will get 10 MMS in the beginning and tiebreakers are calculated from games that were played in the tournament. This also means that result after each round can be viewed. Parsa supports following tie tiebreakers:
* MMS - McMahon score is above all tiebreakers and it cannot be disabled. Default value is that highest group will get 10 MMS in the beginning, but this can be reseted so that everyone in the tournament will get 0 points in the beginning. Reset is applicable in round robin and Swiss tournaments.
* NBW - Number of Wins. Less wins gives higher value.
* Rank - As defined in wallist. Value is between 30K and 9D.
* GoR - As defined in EGF rating list, before the tournament was played. If not available contemporary GoR is used or rank is converted to EGF rating.
* CUSS - Cumulative Sum of Scores (MMS).
* SDOS - Sum of Defeated Opponents' Scores (MMS). Players are sorted first by wins in ascending order and next according SDOS in descending order. This way SDOS is applicable in McMahon tournaments and there is not required to use NBW as a tiebreaker before SDOS.
* SOS - Sum Of Opponents Scores (MMS).
* SOS-1 - SOS when weakest opponent is eliminated.
* SOS-2 - SOS when two weakest opponents are eliminated.
* SOSOS - Sum of Opponents' SOS.
* DC - Direct Comparison means that if two or more players share the same place and all of them has played each other, mutual games are evaluated. Partial tie breaking is also possible. (Under development)
Other features are:
* Result display can give standings after each round sorted by any supported tiebreaker.
* Ability browse all tournaments or filter only tournaments from particular country.
* Player profile display gives listing of games that player has played on the tournament and also listing of all tournament history for that particular player.
* EGC main tournament results are available as a single tournament.
* Full support for non standard English letters.
* Optional support for Cyrillic and Asian names. (under development)
* Round by round display of games.
* SGF uploads and SGF modifications. This feature is working by wiki principle, that everyone can upload, but no one can delete. This way previous versions can be restored.
* Wallist imports from external source (under development).
* Viewing wallist as plain text and ability to make modifications by hand.
* Modified wallist and imported wallist can be saved on server. (under development)
* Customized tiebreakers can be made as default for that tournament. Regular default is SOS, SOSOS and NBW. This feature is also working as wiki principle.
* Extensive tournament statistic display. If you know some number that can be calculated I will add it!
* Support for customization of .css files. This feature may come sometime in the far future. (under development)
* Ability merge several wallists into single tournament and players are ordered by performance GoR. (under development)
* Technical feature is that since there is lot of calculating and retrieving data from EGD, all non changing data is cached to the server memory and MySQL database. This makes browsing much faster. Especially calculating EGC results is very slow without cache.
As mentioned Parsa is currently in development stage and current version is the same as latest development version. So bugs and malfunctions and ill-designs may be encountered. E.g. there are currently no support for handicap games and they are counted as regular wins and losses without considering handicap. Also I will welcome any new ideas and features!
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!New user interface for the KGS archive
Graph and game listings are shown on the same page.
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If someone makes a gobot that wins me on best of 5 match (80 40 fischer), I will pay for the programmer €1000 X-prize. Prize will be in effect for the next 2000 years or when the winner of the competition has been found. Challenges can be played during European Go Congress, but I accept them only after successful preliminaries played on rapid time settings at KGS.
If someone makes a gobot that wins me on best of 5 match (80min + 40sec fischer), I will pay for the programmer €1000 X-prize. Prize will be in effect for the next 2000 years or when the winner of the competition has been found. Challenges can be played during European Go Congress, but I accept them only after successful preliminaries played on blitz/rapid time settings at KGS.
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Now I think a match at the 2011 European Go Congress would be a close match because of the slower time limits. The best program would drop to your level at slower time limits (fischer 80 40). If you wait untill 2012, then the match will be harder because the programs will be stronger. Will you play a computer at the 2011 European Go Congress? -- Mark S., July 3, 2010.
Now I think a match at the 2011 European Go Congress would be a close match because of the slower time limits. The best program would drop to your level at slower time limits (fischer 80 40). If you wait untill 2012, then the match will be harder because the programs will be stronger. Will you play a computer at the 2011 European Go Congress? -- Mark S., July 3, 2011.
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|[{Counter}]|[Naantalin turnaus|] | Naantali\\7/2011 | 1554| [?|] [?|] [?|] [?|] [?|] [?|] [?|] [?|] [?|] | ? | 160 30f
|[{Counter}]|[TurkuGP|] | Turku\\7/2011 | 2002| [?|] [?|] [?|] [?|] [?|] | ? | ca. 45 15f / 65min
|[{Counter}]|[PM|] | Turku\\4/2011 | 2026| [2023-|] [1789+|] [2156-|] [2033+|] [2124-|] [1990-|] | -24 | 80min
|[{Counter}]|[Joukku-SM|] | Oulu\\4/2011 | 2082| [2142-|] [2146-|] [2048-|] [1868-|] [2247-|] | -56 | 60min
|[{Counter}]|[TSY:n turnaus|] | Turku\\4/2012 | 1596| [1591-|] [1524+|] [1586+|] [1776+|] [1641-|] | +32 | 90min + 30sec
|[{Counter}]|[Kani6|] | Tampere\\3/2012 | 2013 | [2053+|] [2168-|] [2045+|] [2120-|] [2082-|] | +13 | 60min
|[{Counter}]|[TuTS:n jouluturnaus|] | Turku\\11/2011 | 1583| [2163-|] [1297-|] [1224+|] [1786-|] [1410+|] [1896-|] | -4 | 25min
|[{Counter}]|[TuTS:n turnaus|] | Turku\\11/2011 | 1583| [1286+|] [1711-|] [1769+|] [1476=|] [1664=|] | +24 | 90min
|[{Counter}]|[Turun Mestari|] | Turku\\11/2011 | 2013 | [1823-|] [2129+|] [1994+|] [2058-|] [2409-|] | ±0 | 60min
|[{Counter}]|[Casual|] | Helsinki\\9/2011 | 1968| [1972+|] [2055-|] [2012+|] [2025+|] [2058+|] | +50 | 30min + 15sec
|[{Counter}]|[SM1-karsinta|] | Tampere\\9/2011 | 2002| [1942-|] [2305-|] [1603+|] [2078-|] [2029-|] | -22 | 60min
|[{Counter}]|[Go Hanko|] | Hanko\\8/2011 | 1979| [1998+|] [2418-|] [2118-|] [1481(5h)+|] [741(9h)+|] | +13 | 30min
|[{Counter}]|[Naantalin turnaus|] | Naantali\\7/2011 | 1554| [1986-|] [1889-|] [1669+|] [1916-|] [1638-|] [1539+|] [1547+|] [1816-|] [1852-|] | +29 | 160min + 30sec
|[{Counter}]|[TurkuGP|] | Turku\\7/2011 | 2002| [1942-|] [1851+|] [2111-|] [2129-|] [1330+|] | -25 | 45min + 16sec
|[{Counter}]|[PM|] | Turku\\4/2011 | 2026| [2023-|] [1789+|] [2156-|] [2033+|] [2124-|] [1990-|] | -24 | 80min
|[{Counter}]|[Joukku-SM|] | Oulu\\4/2011 | 2082| [2142-|] [2146-|] [2048-|] [1868-|] [2247-|] | -56 | 60min
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|[{Counter}]|[Turun Mestari|] | Turku\\11/2010 | 1989| [2325-|] [2136+|] [1879+|] [2083-|] [2116+|]| +15 | 45 15f
|[{Counter}]|[Turun Mestari -karsinta|] | Turku\\9/2010 | 1995| [1533+|] [1791+|] [1879-|] [1776+|] | -6 | 25 12f
|[{Counter}]|[Turun Mestari|] | Turku\\11/2010 | 1989| [2325-|] [2136+|] [1879+|] [2083-|] [2116+|]| +15 | 45min + 15sec
|[{Counter}]|[Turun Mestari -karsinta|] | Turku\\9/2010 | 1995| [1533+|] [1791+|] [1879-|] [1776+|] | -6 | 25min + 12sec
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|[{Counter}]|[TSY:n turnaus|] | Turku\\4/2010 | 1548| [1520+|] [1560=|] [1578=|] [1655-|] [1517=|] | +6 | 90 30f
|[{Counter}]|[TSY:n turnaus|] | Turku\\4/2010 | 1548| [1520+|] [1560=|] [1578=|] [1655-|] [1517=|] | +6 | 90min + 30sec
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|[{Counter}]|[TSY:n turnaus|] | Turku\\1/2010 | 1501| [1895-|] [1281+|] [1863-|] [1200+|] [1712-|] [1735-|] [1424+|] | +3 | 25 min
|[{Counter}]|[Tuts 75v.|] | Turku\\11/2009 | 1525| [1747-|] [1667-|] [1663-|] [1549=|] [1677-|] | -24 | 90 min
|[{Counter}]|[Turun turnaus|] | Turku\\1/2010 | 1501| [1895-|] [1281+|] [1863-|] [1200+|] [1712-|] [1735-|] [1424+|] | +3 | 25 min
|[{Counter}]|[Tuts 75v.|] | Turku\\11/2009 | 1525| [1747-|] [1667-|] [1663-|] [1549=|] [1677-|] | -24 | 90 min
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Basic contact information:
|Jouni Valkonen|Ylioppilaskylä 1 D 17, 20540 Turku
|Uni Turku, physics, biochemistry\\astrobiology, philosophy, etc. |050 367 4132
| |jounivalkonen {miuku}
|[Dragon Go Server|]|[GameKnot|]
|[KGS Go Server|]|[FICS|]
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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
147 14-Mar-2017 21:59 17.585 kB Jouni Valkonen to previous Vanhentunutta tietoa pois
146 16-Apr-2012 02:10 19.113 kB Jouni Valkonen to previous | to last šakkiturnaus 3/5 +32 ja pelikirjaukset
145 08-Mar-2012 12:16 18.74 kB Jouni Valkonen to previous | to last Kani6:n kirjaukset. ­4. kierroksen peli prokommenteilla!
144 12-Dec-2011 13:13 18.183 kB Jouni Valkonen to previous | to last New Chess Result Server
143 28-Nov-2011 05:10 21.332 kB Jouni Valkonen to previous | to last pari turnausta. Selo nousi yli 1600
142 19-Sep-2011 16:16 20.549 kB Jouni Valkonen to previous | to last 3 turnausta + kasa kirjauksia
141 19-Sep-2011 15:56 20.134 kB Jouni Valkonen to previous | to last 3 turnausta + kasa kirjauksia
« This page (revision-147) was last changed on 14-Mar-2017 21:59 by Jouni Valkonen