

__click on the "Suomeksi" tab for Finnish__

!!! Turuunaus tournament 27. & 28. May 2023

Registration is [HERE|Turunaus2023registration].

Turun Hayashi cordially invites to a tournament in the city of Turku! It will be a regular 5-round A-class weekend tournament. Everyone is welcome to sign up, and play as many rounds as they like. We will especially try to make it as beginner-friendly as possible.

!!Tournament rules 

* Five rounds McMahon tournament 
* Japanese rules and EGF tournament rules 
* Top group size will be based on registrations, but we will try to take preference into account
* There will be three stones reduced handicap for pairings outside the top group
* Classic SOS and SOSOS tie-breakers
* EGF A-Class tournament
* Fischer time 45+20
* Komi 7 points, in handicap games no komi (Jigo is possible) 

Players can skip as many rounds as they like, however, please notify the organizers as soon as possible if you want to drop a round. 

!!Tournament venue 

The tournament will take place at Turku University's Osakuntasali, at Rehtorinpellonkatu 4 A, 20500 Turku. It is at the back end of a large bicycle parking lot, and there is large sign with the name above the entrance. It is also right next to Proffan Kellari, the bar where the club meetings take place. We can go there for some beers after the games on Saturday.  

If you come by __train__ from direction Helsinki, you will arrive at Kupittaa station, from there it is 400m walking to the venue. 

If you come from direction Tampere, you will arrive at Turku main station. From there, it's either a 30 minute walk, or a bus. There are no direct busses, you can check connections on [the Föli wesite|https://reittiopas.foli.fi/]. Look for Rautatieasema to Yliopisto (TYKS U-sairaala).

If you come by __bus__, you will arrive at Turun linja-autoasema. From there, you can again either walk (about 20 minutes) or take the bus. Here it is a bit simpler, just take the 2, 2A, 2B, 2C, 6 or 60 at linja-autoasema, and get off at Yliopisto (TYKS U-sairaala).

If you come by __car__ you can probably park somewhere near the venue, but we encourage taking public transit, if you're travelling to Turku. :) 

!! Accommodation 

If you can manage with very simple sleeping arrangements, you can stay the night for free, if you bring your own sleeping bag and air mattress. Please note it in the registration form, if you are interested in that. Send a message to the organizer, if you need more information.

If you like a bit more comfort, the venue is close to the city center, so there are plenty of hotels and airbnbs nearby. 

!!Participation fees 

|| || fee 
|pre-registered player|20€
|registration on arrival|25€
|students, pensioneers, disabled or unemployed|5€ off
|10k and higher|5€ off
|first tournament|free entry

Pre-registration ends on Friday preceding to the tournament at eight o'clock in the evening. So if you want to pay the reduced participation fee, write your information on the [registration page|Turunaus2023registration] before this deadline. Pre-registered players are required to attend the registration on Saturday morning. If you can't make it in time for the registration, please contact the organizer.
The participation fee can either be payed in __cash__ on site, or via __transfer, MobilePay or PayPal__ in advance. (TODO) 


There will be prizes for everyone winning 4 or 5 games. Depending on the number of participants, there will also be a prize pool for the winners.

!!Tournament schedule 

|| || Saturday, 27th of May
|09:30|Registration begins 
|10:30|Registration ends 
|10:45|Opening ceremony
|11:00|1st round 
|13:30|Lunch break 
|14:30|2nd round 
|17:30|3rd round 
|20:30|Perhaps bar
|| || Sunday, 28th of May
|10:00|4th round
|13:30|5th round
|~16:30|Prize-giving ceremony

The times are tentative, there might be slight delays. 

!!Contact information 

Main organizer: Nikola Tsarigradski, (+49) 176 3494 8277, natsar@utu.fi (very limited Finnish skills, so please in English, if possible)



!!! Turun Turuunaus turnaus 27.-28.05.2023


!!Turnauksen säännöt 


!! Majoitus



!!Turnauksen aikataulu 

