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; Pl Name                            Rk Co Club  NBW  SOSSOSOS CUSS
   1 Tuominen Johanna                1D FI Haya    2    2   12    7       5+       3+       4?    0-   
   2 Soukka Antti                    2D FI Haya    2    1   12    7       6+       5+       3?    0-   
   3 Gronroos Mika                   2K FI Haya    1    5    6    4       4+       1-       2?    0-   
   4 Virtanen Jaakko                 2D FI Haya    1    3   10    3       3-       6+       1?    0-   
   5 Valkonen Jouni                  1D FI Haya    0    4    6    0       1-       2-       6?    0-   
   6 Ekila Niko                      2K FI Haya    0    3    8    0       2-       4-       5?    0-  

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« This particular version was published on 16-Oct-2021 15:53 by Johanna Tuominen.