Here are some strategical figures and other interesting things about this particular Wiki.  All this information is available in [WikiVariables] as well, if you want to use them on some other page.

| __Application name__               | [{$applicationname}]
| __Base address__                   | [{$baseurl}]
| __JSPWiki Engine Version__         | [{$jspwikiversion}] 
| __Character Encoding__             | [{$encoding}]
| __Total Number of Pages__          | [{$totalpages}]
| __Current uptime__                 | [{$uptime}]
| __Current Page Provider__          | [{$pageprovider}]\\ \\[{$pageproviderdescription}]
| __Available InterWiki links__      | [{$interwikilinks}]
| __Inlined images are__             | [{$inlinedimages}]
| __Additional Plugin Search Path__  | [{$pluginpath}]


| __Do we beautify titles?__ | [{$jspwiki.breakTitleWithSpaces}]
| __Do we match english plural forms?__ | [{$jspwiki.translatorReader.matchEnglishPlurals}]
| __Are CamelCase links used?__ | [{$jspwiki.translatorReader.camelCaseLinks}]


| __Do we generate RSS files?__ | [{$jspwiki.rss.generate}]
| __If we do, what's the file name?__ | [{$jspwiki.rss.fileName}]
| __How often is the RSS updated?__ |  [{$jspwiki.rss.interval}]


!Pages currently being edited



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