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From a email sent out by R Herman General Mills sold in Israel. Claims have been made that the O-U has provided spcieal communications to authorities in Israel regarding the Yoshon status of American cereals under the O-U hashgocho that are marketed in Israel. For example, the O-U has been reported to certify that the Chodosh dates for certain Cheerios cereals are later than the dates given in the second issue of the Guide to Chodosh. The O-U denies ever supplying such information. In fact, the O-U certifies Yoshon in Israel for General Mills products only on spcieal runs of Nature Valley Granola bars sold in Israel where both the O-U symbol and Yoshon are printed on the label. General Mills cereals. The oats Chodosh PACKING date is revised to Feb 29, ‘12. This only applies to oats. Cereals that have wheat or wheat starch would have the earlier date published in the Guide. Code for oats only: Mar 7 13. What a balagan***As far as your the discussion on the previous thread whether Chodush is a chumrah or not, let me clarify that the issue here is Minhag Hamokom. In Israel evreyone is makpid on Yoshon therefore because of the minhag all imported products must be Yoshon, thats why you wont see hechsheirim mentioning that its a chumrah. By all means if you bought your cereal already and can't return it bring it to chutz la'aretz and eat it there!

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