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Sain alla oleva viestin Lee Seong Keuinilta: En pysty vastaamaan ajoissa, kun lähden kohta Tanskaan PM-kisoihin. Voisitteko täydentää vastauksia ja lähettää sitten, kun näyttää riittävältä? Jos johonkin kysymykseen ette saa nopeasti vastausta lähettäkää muut tiedot, ja sitteen puuttuva tieto perässä, jos löytyy. Hänellä on viikko aikaa valmistella esitelmänsä. Osoite on

Hello! ... Matti! Could you help me ?
I need some your help.
After coming back to Korea, I have to present about "Everything of Finland Go"
So My question follow like that.
1. Go Population!

2. Go Active member(paid member)

3. About Go clubs.... (How do Go players operate ....? )

  • There are around 13 more or less official clubs in Finland. The clubs organize one or two club evenings in a week and sometimes tournaments too. There are also players living in cities without any go club. They can meet other go players in the Internet on go servers.

4. Strong player! ( Just please introduce Dan plaryer! )
5. Competitions( Ranking System....)
6. Education/ Promotion ( for bigginer, children...)
7. National body ( How does Go Assosiation consist of ? )
(president, Secretary, treasurer, etc....) * president, Secretary, treasurer, vice president, other members of the board, not more than 10 all together.

8. Go history in Finland.
9. About Go Magazin in Finland
10. Go tournement (in Finland)

  • In recent years, there has been about 15 national tournaments that have been organized regularly every year. In addition, many clubs have held local championship tournaments or ranking tournaments.

And Could you send me some picture related Go ????
I wait your response!
Sorry for my requesting...
I have to finish my work within a week.
Take care
Greetings Seong Keun!!

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« This particular version was published on 23-Mar-2005 16:21 by TeemuHirsimäki.