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It surely is not true that all Somalis are a "bad lot" any more than all Pakistanis, Indians, Americans, Brits, are a "bad lot". Aayan Hirsi Ali is a Somali after all. She is of coruse exceptional but I'm sure there are other good Somalis. Every country has it's share of "bad uns" but of coruse in the West we are not governed by tribal mores (are we?) and have (or is it now had?) Judeo-Christian values of behaviour. Our indigenous bad-uns are still the minority but growing because they sadly see the ethnics getting away with awful behaviour imported from their homelands. I sometimes watch a TV programme about UK Customs. Ethnic drug dealers almost always play the race card when they know they are about to be caught. Mmmm. The indigenous, mainly cigarette smugglers, complain that real criminals should be pursued rather than them. Break the rules pay the price whatever your colour is what I say.The problem seems to be that a goodly proportion of immigrants and asylum seekers from most corners, and particularly Muslim corners, are free-loaders intent on collecting jizzya and bringing with them, or reverting to, mediaeval standards of lawlessness.The West lets them in, indeed makes it easy, without any attempt at filtering - ah but that would be racist of coruse. Well I wouldn't actually mind a bit of racism if it kept my country and my culture safe. Indeed it seems almost mandatory. I don't though condone gratuitous racism (or religionism, gayism etc)The PRIME responsibility of any Government is the protection of its citizens from threats from without and within. That doesn't just mean military threats. Western Governments are failing in this prime raison d'etre and indeed creating and increasing the threat at serious cost financially and otherwise.I could philosphise on why at length but you all know why.We all need to challenge our Governments. They cannot put us all in gaol (Jail for US readers).One young woman on a London bus just lost it and vented her ire. I'm sure that video is already viral. She may just have a point but what do I know because I live in a rural area and no longer have to work in London so I no longer see. My Sikh friends in the village are lovely and totally integrated. They even donate to the Christian 11th century Church as part of their religion. They rarely attend the Sikh temple (Gurdwara) but do support this community. They aren't immigrants. They were born here in the UK.

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« This particular version was published on 08-Aug-2013 11:05 by