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Säkylässä asevelvollisuutta suorittamassa ja go-pelureita sieltä etsimässä:

Pelattaisiin ihan muuten vain vapaa-ajalla tai perustetaan vaikka kerhokin.

Hi! I'm Magnus Merikaarnio, 1kyu from Sweden. Moveing to Säkylä 15.02.2007.

E-mail me if you are interested in playing Go. Hope to make new friends!

--Magnus Merikaarnio, 15-Jan-2007

Magnus, the guy above was in Säkylä as a conscript. He's already done his time a long time ago. Nothing wrong with letting people in Säkylä and elsewhere letting know that you are moving there, but I'm afraid you're going to have to find a club elsewhere. Distances to the two nearest established clubs: Turku/Åbo 75 km and Tampere 110 km. There are some players also in Pori 70 km to the northwest. Helsinki is probably too far for visiting a club evening: 210 km.

-- Markku, 15.1.2007

At least last summer there were also some players at Rauma, a bit south from Pori, and perhaps a bit closer.

-- Jouni, 16.1.2007

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« This particular version was published on 16-Jan-2007 10:04 by Jouni Karvo.