!!Oulu Summer Tournament 2006, 8.-10. July

[Oulu's location|http://www.lyseo.edu.ouka.fi/~antti/Finland.bmp]

[Map of Oulu|http://www.lyseo.edu.ouka.fi/~antti/oulukartta.bmp]

[Accommodation|Oulun Kesä Majoitus 2006]

This year's Oulu Summer Tournament will also be held in [Oulun lyseon lukio|http://www.lyseo.edu.ouka.fi/].

*60 minutes and 15 stones in 5 minutes Canadian byo-yomi (EGF A class)
*6 rounds
*McMahon or suchlike, even games, komi 6.5 for white
*Japanese rules -89
*Tie breakers: For the top three places, SOS only

The tournament is paired by Miika Hannus and the referee is Paavo Pietarila. \\

__Side tournaments__
*Challenge tournament on all game days, 10+10 minutes absolute
*Sandbag go tournament

*I: 100 e
*II: 70 e
*III: 40 e
*There may be slight changes

__Entry fees__
*Normally 15 euros
*Players who bring a board and stones: 12 euros
*Players who bring a set (a board, stones and a clock): 10 euros
*10 euros for players 10-kyu and under

__Tournament schedule__

Saturday, 8.7.

*10.00 Doors will be opened
*10.15 Registration begins
*11.15 Registration closes
*11.30 Opening ceremony
*12.00 Challenge tournament begins
*12.00 __1st round__
*15.30 __2nd round__

Sunday, 9.7.

*11.00 Doors will be opened
*12.00 __3rd round__
*15.30 __4th round__
*17.00 Sandbag go
*~19.00 Game evening and sauna

Monday, 10.7

*10.00 Doors will be opened
*11.00 __5th round__
*14.30 __6th round__
*17.30 Challenge tournament ends
*18.00 Closing ceremony and prizegiving

[Registration list|Oulun Kesä 2006 Ilmoittautuminen]