!!Oulu Summer Tournament 2005, 15.-17. July

All the information provided in this page are yet not confirmed, but at least indicative.

[Oulu's location|http://www.lyseo.edu.ouka.fi/~antti/Finland.bmp]

[Map of Oulu|http://www.lyseo.edu.ouka.fi/~antti/oulukartta.bmp]

__Tournament place__

*The tournament will be held at [Oulun Lyseon lukio|http://www.lyseo.edu.ouka.fi/english/], Kajaaninkatu 3, which is also known from Oulu's Spring and Winter tournaments.

__Tournament rules__
*Playing time: 75 minutes
*Byo-yomi: 15 stones per 5 minutes Canadian
*Rounds: 6
*15 minute deduction for being late from the beginning of round
*Komi: 6,5 moku for white
*System: McMahon, even games
*Modifications possible

__Tournament fees__
*Normally 15 euros
*People allowed for reduced price (10 euro): juniors (under 18), students and 10-kyus or weaker players
*Free: GoR/proGoR 2400+
*List of [registrated players|OulunKesäturnausIlmoittautuminen]


*The tournament is sponsored by Cafe Milou. A big thank-you for them!
*Cafe Milou will kindly provide drinks with lowered prices on tournament evenings (Friday and Saturday). It has tentatively been agreed that you can buy beers, ciders and other alcoholic drinks for 3 euros. Therefore, by any means, everyone is welcome to spend the evenings in Milou's pleasant tenor, where you can for example play games with Milou's own go sets.
*Player [accommodation|OuluSummerTournamentAccommodation]
*You can ask Antti Törmänen (antti __at__ lyseo __dot__ edu __dot__ ouka __dot__ fi) any questions about the tournament
*There will be also Rotuaari Piknik 13.7.-16.7. at Oulu to find out more you might want to check http://www.rotuaaripiknik.net/

__Tournament schedule__

Friday, 15.7.

*10.00 Doors will be opened
*10.15 Registration begins
*11.00 Late registration closes
*11.15 Registration closes
*11.30 Opening ceremony
*12.00 __1st round__
*16.00 __2nd round__
*18.00 Sauna?

Saturday, 16.7.

*11.00 Doors will be opened
*12.00 __3rd round__
*16.00 __4th round__
*18.00 Sauna?

Sunday, 17.7

*10.00 Doors will be opened
*11.00 __5th round__
*15.00 __6th round__
*19.00 Closing ceremony and prizegiving