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Tällä sivulla kartoitetaan kiinnostuneita lähtijöitä opiskelijoiden EM-kisoihin. Turnaus pelataan Tukholmassa 6.-8.8.

"Full time students at university or college are admitted, provided that they are at least 18 and at most 29 years of age by August 1st 2007. Players must be European nationals. Participants are expected to be able to prove their student status by means of ISIC card or a letter of acceptance from their place of study. Financial support (free accommodation and no entry fee) is provided to one student from each country, or to one male and one female from each country provided they both have EGF rating above 1600 and register before July 1st. These participants will be called official."

Suomen go-liiton hallitus valitsee halukkaiden joukosta viralliset edustajat.


Nimet luokitusjärjestykseen, kiitos.

Nimi Luokitus Kerho Opiskelupaikka Ikä (1.8.2007)
1 Suvi Leppänen 1 kyu Kanpai Tampereen teknillinen yliopisto 25

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« This particular version was published on 16-Feb-2007 15:41 by Suvi Leppänen.