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Registration for North Europe Senior Open Go Championship 2017 #

Minimum age is 50 years. Higher age groups will be introduced if there are enough players for multiple groups. You may enter your age group in 5 year precision.

To register click the edit (muokkaa) button and fill your data and click save. If you fail send email to helsinki-go at

# Last name First name Age group Rank Club/Country Accomodation Official playerAnything else
1Guo Juan 55+ 7 dan Amsterdam,Netherlands
2MacfadyenMatthew 60+ 6 Dan Leamington, UK
3Siivola Matti 55+ 5 dan Helsinki Go Club, Finland
4Laatikainen Vesa Open5 dan eGo, Finland
5Bogdanov Viktor 55+ 5 dan Petrozavodsk, Russia
6Olsson Ulf 60+ 3 dan Göteborg, Sweden
7 Lounela Olli 50+ 3 dan HGK, Finland
8Karppinen Ari 55+ 2 dan Ketun Go/Boshi/HGK,Finland
9Darrell Malick ? 1 dan Amsterdam,Netherlands
10LuomaPirkko 59+ 3 kyu Tengen, Finland
11PatersonSue 60+ 4 kyu Arundel, UK
12Healey Kirsty60+ 4 kyu Leamington, UK
13Rönkkö Seppo 70+ 5 kyu Lapinjärvi
14Ilmast Anatoliy 50+ 5 kyu Petrozavodsk, Russia
15Bailey Steve 60+ 6 kyu Arundel, UK
16Segerman Jil 70+ 9 kyu Arundel, UK
17Siivola Sinikka 60+ 12 kyu Boshi
18Benzian Yvonne 60+ 12 kyu Göteborg, Sweden

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« This particular version was published on 28-Mar-2017 19:30 by