Lehti on paikassa http://wend.cc/go/index.html.
Here comes issue 3/2006 of our free go magazine Nordisk GoBlad.
Download it from: http://wend.cc/go/3-06.pdf. It is 25 pages or 1.9MB.
/The editors/
Björn Wendsjö, Pål Sannes and Matti Siivola
PS Please report any problems; they can still be fixed.
PPS Alt. URL: http://homepage.mac.com/bjornwendsjo/go/3-06.pdf
PPPS You can find all published issues on http://wend.cc/go/index.html
Contents 2 European Go Congress 2006 4 ’ been there ? 5 The European Go Congress in Leksand 2008 10 Truls Eirik Liland 11 7 problemer 13 My 1st WAGC 15 Unbyul won 15 Fire on board one 16 From the last round of the EGC 23 Nordiska goklubbar 25 The Nordic top 20 25 Goförbund i Norden
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This particular version was published on 29-Oct-2006 15:12 by Vesa Laatikainen.