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Here comes issue 2/2006 of our free go magazine Nordisk GoBlad.
Download it from: http://wend.cc/go/2-06.pdf It is 24 pages or 1.6MB.
In this issue we welcome the new writers: Alexandre Dinerchtein "Antti Tormanen vs. Ilya Shikshin" Vesa Laatikainen "Finnish Go Life in 2006"
/The editors/ Björn Wendsjö, Pål Sannes and Matti Siivola
PS Please report any problems; they can still be fixed. PPS Alt. URL: http://homepage.mac.com/bjornwendsjo/go/2-06.pdf PPPS You can find all published issues on http://wend.cc/go/index.html
Contents pg 2 Antti Tormanen vs. Ilya Shikshin pg 5 Finnish Go Life in 2006 pg 7 7 problemer pg 8 Interview with Frank de Groot, Oslo pg 10 Nordisk mesterskap 2006 i Oslo pg 12 DM - 2006 pg 14 Kasper Hornbæk – Torben Pedersen pg 18 Svenska Mästerskapen 2006 pg 22 Nordiska goklubbar pg 24 Goförbund i Norden