Nordisk Go Blad -lehdet webissä: []. 

Hello everybody,

Here comes next issue of our free go magazine Nordisk GoBlad.
Download it from: [] It is 26 pages or 3.1MB.


/The editors/
Björn Wendsjö, Pål Sannes and Matti Siivola

PS Please report any problems; they can still be fixed.\\
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PPPS You can find all published issues on []\\

2	Winning ways
2	Nordic Championship 2007
3	European Student Go Championship 2007, Stockholm August 6th –8th
3	The top 20 Nordic players on the EGF rating list for February
4	All Roads Lead To... Villach
6	17th International Amateur Pair Go Championship
7	7 problemer
8	Hvordan legge ned steinene
9	Norgesmesterskapet 2006
10	10 years ago (1996)
10	Tournaments in the Nordic countries 2006
11	Jusandan 2007
13	Svenska Pokalen 2006
14	Utvecklingsteorier
16	Review of the Italian problem
23	Game from the New Fuseki Era
25	Goförbund i Norden
25	Nordiska goklubbar