!!!Nordic Championship 2019

[Suomeksi|PM2019] \\

The tournament will be held in Helsinki from 19th to 21st of April.\\
[Registration|PM2019Ilmoittautuminen] \\

[YliGo]'s brand new club room, \\
[Mechelininkatu 3D, Helsinki|https://www.google.com/maps/place/Mechelininkatu+3d,+00100+Helsinki/@60.169934,24.9194403,17z/] \\

!!Tournament information
Even games, komi 6,5 points for white.\\
There might be some handicap games outside of the top group.\\
Thinking time TBA \\
Tie-breakers: SOS and SOSOS. Prize money by MM-points.\\
Rules: [Nihon Ki-in 1989 japanese rules|http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/~wjh/go/rules/Japanese.html] and [EGF tournament rules 2007|http://www.eurogofed.org/egf/tourrules.htm]\\
Referees: TBA\\
Pairing: TBA\\

!!Tournament fee
Regular fee: TBA\\
Student fee / Junior fee (players under 18): TBA\\

__10.30__ Registration opens\\
__11.30__ Registration closes\\
__12.00__ 1st round\\ 
__16.00__ 2nd round\\
__10.00__ 3rd round\\ 
__14.00__ 4th round\\
Possibly Sauna\\
__9.00__ 5th round\\ 
__12.45__ 6th round\\
__16.00__ Prize giving and closing ceremony\\
