!Nordic Championship 2011

The tournament will be held in Turku 22nd-24th April.\\
[Registration|PM2011Ilmoittautuminen] \\
[Travel information|NordicChampionship2011TravelInformation] \\

Turun Tyƶnantajain Yhdistys (TTY) \\
Jarrumiehenkatu 7, Turku \\


!Tournament information
Tournament information will be announced later. 

!Tournament fee
Announced later

!Schedule (draft)
1st and 2nd round\\
3rd and 4th round\\
5th and 6th round\\

Announced later

!Social events and other things to do

There will be a possibility to go sauna on Saturday evening at the tournament venue.

Turku is the European capital of culture in year 2011 together with the city of Tallinn, Estonia. Information about events can be found [here|http://www.turku2011.fi/en] \\

[Tourist information|http://www.turku.fi/Public/Default.aspx?culture=en-US&contentlan=2&nodeid=8726]