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EGF:n yleiskokouksessa esille tullut uusi kansainvälinen turnaus. Luvattuja lisätietoja ei ole vielä saatavilla. Suomen Go-liiton hallitus punnitsee vaihtoehtoja edustajan valitsemiseen.

Korea Prime Minister Cup International Baduk Championship#

Dear Members,

I am greatly pleased to announce that the KABA are hosting this new
event in Jeonju, Korea from 20-27 October 2006.

Each country will be invited to send a representative player with
tickets and costs paid for by sponsor.

Individual players can enter a parallel event and it is hoped
some other strong players may wish to join this (no costs paid and
entry fee).

As details are still being prepared on the entry form, please start
to contact your likely representatives, as the deadline for entry is
only 10 September. You will receive the forms and invitations later
this week.

Best Go Wishes

Tekstitiivistelmä turnauksen esitteestä. -- Vesa 16.8.2006

2006 Jeonju World Baduk Festival

The 1st Korea Prime Minister Cup#

International Baduk Championship

Date: Oct 20-27, 2006 Venue: Jeonju, South Korea Organizers: Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Korea Amateur Baduk Association


This tournament is organized for the Baduk players all over the world to gather and have a good relationship and to spread Baduk (Go) through the world, and it will be held every year. Furthermore, our country is doing its best to join the Olympic Games.

Jeonju is the mecca of Korea Baduk and it has a lot of traditional cultural heritages. It is also famous for the food, called 'Jeonju Bibimbab'.

Everyone is welcome!

Come and enjoy Baduk, side events, sightseeing, food and so on! If you are LUCKY, you might play with Lee Chang-ho.


Oct 20, Fri

  • Arrival and Check-in

Oct 21, Sat

  • Orientation
  • Lee Chang-ho Cup
  • International Friendly Match
  • Opening Ceremony

Oct 22, Sun

  • Prime Minister Cup, Round 1 and 2

Oct 23, Mon

  • Prime Minister Cup, Round 3 and 4

Oct 24, Tue

  • Prime Minister Cup, Round 5 and 6

Oct 25, Wed

  • Prime Minister Cup, Round 7 and 8
  • Prize Giving & Closing Ceremony

Oct 26, Thu

  • Sightseeing & Rest

Oct 27, Fri

  • Check-out and Departure

Main Events & Rules#

  • The Prime Minister Cup (Representatives only), Modified MacMahon system, 8 rounds
  • The KABA Cup (Invividual participants only), 8 rounds MacMahon
  • Lee Chang-ho Cup (IP only), Knock-out, after group leagues.
  • Lightning Tournament, Knock-out, after group leagues.
  • Sungjang Cup
  • Team/Pair Cup
  • International Rules are applied.

Prizes, Side Events, Invidual Participants, How to Reach, Contact Details#

  • Esite on ilmeisesti suunnattu niille, jotka harkitsevat osallistumista omalla kustannuksellaan. Olen jättänyt nämä viimeiset tiedot kirjaamatta esitteestä, mutta jos joku on kiinnostunut, niin voi lähettää postia osoitteeseen <>.

Web information (available after Aug 25).

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« This particular version was published on 16-Aug-2006 08:54 by Vesa.