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EGF:n yleiskokouksessa esille tullut uusi kansainvälinen turnaus. Lisätietoja ei ole vielä saatavilla. Suomen Go-liiton hallitus punnitsee vaihtoehtoja edustajan valitsemiseen.

Korea Prime Minister Cup International Baduk Championship#

Dear Members,

I am greatly pleased to announce that the KABA are hosting this new
event in Jeonju, Korea from 20-27 October 2006.

Each country will be invited to send a representative player with
tickets and costs paid for by sponsor.

Individual players can enter a parallel event and it is hoped
some other strong players may wish to join this (no costs paid and
entry fee).

As details are still being prepared on the entry form, please start
to contact your likely representatives, as the deadline for entry is
only 10 September. You will receive the forms and invitations later
this week.

Best Go Wishes

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« This particular version was published on 14-Aug-2006 20:04 by Vesa.