Welcome to the Kani6-2004-tournament!

[Registration page|Kani6_2004Ilmoittautuminen]

* 24.-25.1.2004
* Place: Tampere university of technology, Finalnd
* Tournament type: No handicap, 5 rounds, MacMahon
* Playing time: 45min + 5 minutes/25 stones canadian byo-yomi
* Prizes: 1st place 100e. If possible, 2nd place 60e and 3rd place 30e. Also prizes for players outside the top group.
* Tournament fee: 15e. 10-30 kyu 10e.

* Friday: Sauna and maybe lessons.
* Saturday: Sauna and lightning tournament with handicaps. Tournament fee 5e.

More information: Suvi Leppänen, leppan35 @ cs tut fi .

Our sponsors are:
Pub Kultainen Apina
Kulplan Oy
Japanese restaurant Maruseki
Tampereen kaupungin liikennelaitos
Cityoffset Oy
Dream Dust Oy