Lightning, and bonus tournament#

Side tournament of Rabbitysix

Friday, 28.2.2025


Played during sauna evening. Same settings, free parings.

Time settings: 4 min + 4 s fischer. (About the same as 15 min absolut.)

Handicaps: max 9 stones

Komi: 6,5, or with handicaps 0,5

The winner of the Lightning tournament is the one with the most wins at 23:59.

The winner of the Bonus tournament is the one with the most points at 23:59. (One point for a drink, and one point for a won game.)

Bulky5 #

Side tournament of Rabbitysix

Saturday, 1.3.2025

20:00- The tournament ends around midnight, or when we have the winner.

What to expect?#

  • Different kind of games and go-challenges with bingo. Play as many games as you want.
  • Anyone can win this tournament. You don't have to be the best player: just win the bingo with your games.
  • The tournament is free, and the prizes are amazing!
  • You can join the tournament at any time during the evening.


--Aura Arola

Bulky5 games for the bingo: #

  • You can play as many games as you want.
  • You can decide, which time-settings you use. If it's too hard to decide, use 5 min + 8 s fischer.
  • Use handicap stones:
19 x 19
    • Rank difference, max 9 stones
    • Komi: 6 / 0
13 x 13
    • Rank difference / 2, round down, max 9 stones
    • Komi 6/0
9 x 9
    • Rank difference / 4, round down, max 9 stones
    • Komi 6/0
    • Start with crosscut in the middle of the board
    • no handicaps
    • Who eats the first stone, wins.
Atarigo, kill 2
    • Start with crosscut in the middle of the board
    • no handicaps
    • Who eats two or more stones first, wins.
Killing challenge
    • 19 x 19 , start with black stones on the first line. A2, A4, A6. A8 etc. Around the board.
    • If white can make a living group, white wins, if can't, black wins.
    • Start with an empty board. In alternating turns, place a stone on the first line of their side of the board, and with a single flick of their index finger, send the stone sliding across the board.
    • For a shot to be valid the stone must travel across the center line of the board, stop without falling off the board, and not touch any other stones already on the board. If a shot is not valid, the player receives a penalty point.
    • Stones are never removed from the board. The first player to ten penalty points loses the match.

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