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Hikaru no Go mangaa ja animea voi tilata USA:sta: tai Fantasiapelien kautta:

-- Tomi Väisälä, 2.7.2006

Hikaru no Go on japanilainen manga ja anime, jossa pieni poika pelaa gota. Sarja on kuuleman mukaan aiheuttanut merkittävän go-innostuksen japanilaisten lasten keskuudessa, ja onpa Suomeenkin tämän vuoden aikana saatu useita uusia pelaajia Hikarun ansiosta. Mangaa löytyy englanniksi käännettynä osoitteessa

--TeemuHirsimäki, 29.11.2002

Mangalla tarkoitetaan siis sarjakuvaa, animella tarkoitetaan piirrettyä (toisin sanoen animaatiota.) Termit ovatten enemmän kuin vähemmän vakiintuneita.

Mangan linkki yllä lienee toimiva, animen kanssa saa yleensä jopa tehdä töitä -- ovatten kuitenkin tekijänoikeudella suojattua kamaa. Toisin sanoen, näitä juurikaan tarjota (etenkään jos virallisesti kysytään,) mutta jostain niitä voi aina löytää.

-- Olli Lounela, 29.11.

Toriyamaworldistä on poistettu Hikarut, koska Viz on sen lisensoinut tuolla rapakon takana. Myös Hikaru anime on poistettu Bittorrentin sivuilta.

-- Henna Nokkala, 11.7.2003

Olen alkanut tekstittää animea suomeksi, jotta englantia taitamattomatkin oppisivat tuntemaan gota. Linkki löytyy tuolta alta.

-- Ville Salo, 12.8.2003

Mutta mistä ko. sarjaa saisi ihan laillisesti dvd:llä?

-- Torste Aikio, 06.09.2003

Tällä hetkellä pelkästään Japanista. Kalliilla ja ilman tekstejä. Kunhan Viz saa homman käyntiin epäilisin DVD-levyjen ilmestyvän tahtia yksi per kuukausi. Jaksomääristä ei ole tietoa mutta Vizin julkaisema Inuyasha on muotoa kolme jaksoa per kiekko. Riistoa ainakin minusta mutta mikäs siinä kun kauppa käy. Toivotaan että Hikarua saataisiin neljä jaksoa kiekolle, muutoin saamme odotella pari vuotta koko sarjaa ja kukkaromme rutistuu rusinaksi.

-- Zsb, 07.09.2003

Kuinkakohan on. Japanilaiset myivät kutakuinkin vuosi sitten kaikenlaisten mangojen ja animejen levitysoikeudet espanjalaiselle firmalle, joka sittemmin ei ole evääkään heilauttanut saadakseen noita muualle kuin Espanjaan. Viz sitten hieman yritteli tuoda mangaa englanninkielisenä, mutta japanilaiset kustantajat pistivät asialle nopean lopun, uhaten Viziä kaikkien lisenssien menetyksellä.

Luulisin siis, että myös Hikan Euroopan-oikeudet ovat tuolla spanjuurifirmalla, nähtäväksi jää että tulevatko he levittämään yhtään mitään Euroopassa.

-- DonOlli, 11.9.

Vizin Manga ja Anime-julkaisujen Eurooppa-saatavuus ei kyllä tosiasiassa ole ihan niin huonoissa kantimissa kuin virallisesta juridisesta doktriinista voisi päätellä. Kyllä niitä uusiakin Viz-julkaisuja ovat vielä ihan hyvin näkynyt suomalaisissa alan liikkeissä, enkä rehellisesti sanottuna näe mitään reaalista syytä miksei näin tapahtuisi jatkossakin. Tulevat joidenkin välikäsien kautta jne, mikä yleensä tarkoittaa sitä, että niitä saadaan tänne joidenkin viikkojen viiveillä Jenkkijulkaisuista. Eihän tämä tietenkään mikään optimaalinen tilanne ole, mutta parempi näin kuin ei ollenkaan.

-- Tommi Tuura, 23.10.

Itse tiedän mistä tuota Hikaru no Go animea saa helposti ja nopeasti mutta ennenkuin kerron mistä niin kysyisin että saako täällä tuommoista tietoa jakaa, kun taitaa tosiaan olla tekiänoikeuksin suojattua

-- Shiona, 22.1 Ehkä se voidaan hetkellisesti sallia?

-- Ossi Kauppi

Elikkä tuo löytyy:
Kannattaa käyttää jotain FTP ohjelmaa kuten FlashFXP jolla latauksen katketessa ei kaikki mene hukkaan vaan latausta voidaan jatkaa myöhemmin.

-- Shiona, 24.1

Tuohon 75 asti tuota animea on toisaallakin, jopa suomen servolla jonka hyvin moni tietääkin jo.

-- Ossi Kauppi, 25.1

Sarjan innoittamana on luotu käyttöjärjestelmäkin, Hikarunix

-- Shiona, 3.10.-04


Following on from the introduction to offshore aquaria this unique market was compiled to offer a number of ideal an average ocean aquarium established.Whatever deep sea tank <a href=>Filmy Online</a> created you decided on would depend upon a number of circumstances. One example is, the kinds of kinds you desire to shares, the space available for you, together with your finances. For the most part it is important to find the most well known deep sea aquarium tank arrange you really that will actually meet incredibly well to your living location. This is so that ones own some seafood like fish and other animals and insects can lead to the maximum relaxation doable while they get bigger. The exact fish and also other invertebrates that you really select to stock your favorite reservoir that has want a satisfactory amount of open area to assist you to frolic in the water in addition to grow and maintain with along with adequately ticket to live. Before you choose a new ocean aquarium tank set up the reason is that several motives happen to be driven mainly by the actual size of this reservoir. Now let’s converse about your clean air portion of a good ocean aquarium tank launch. The refreshing in water relates to the very tanks covering. Meaning the amount of area along the tank’s surface area that is definitely open to the environment. The more often the surface location in your current deep sea fish tank put in place, greater space or room there is certainly for the purpose of flow <a href=>Gry online</a> for ticket that occur with the working surface. The harder o2 this really is allowed to say hello to the septic tank and therefore the additional hazardous gases such as carbon dioxide should abandon any <a href=>sex videos</a> far healthier your favorite ocean fish tank set up can be. Your surroundings subject material for this water can be influenced by its own hotness. Overall, this hotter the particular, the cheaper often the much needed oxygen content material will probably be. A great number of sea groups from the tropics really like drinking water that could be Seventy-five degress fahrenheit or better so this ensures that a lesser amount of ticket will be at hand. And here , it might be crucial for you to improve the surface of the gas tank by assured your actual ocean aquarium tank arrange will be as huge as can be. How to execute this? There is certainly no widespread deep sea tank for your fish build. Marine flounders appear in many different forms plus specifications, yet it is a significant of this tank, in no way it really is size which will has an effect on spot. So additionally exactly where a couple tanks get the identical quantities of prints they will not have access to identical appear contingent on their specific style. Any ocean fish tank set up and that is tall in height together with toned won’t get a full value to do with the cost of gasoline alternate. A suitable style and design will likely be engineered to be little and also enormous. Right after you’ve picked out your personal equipment it's once again time to set up thinking about her people in the room. In fact how large is your actual summer will no doubt control total number of go fishing also invertebrates it can certainly residence. What is important to counteract in your own saltwater aquarium tank system is usually overcrowding.<a href=>tapety hd</a> Loads of population and also your tank’s filtration will likely be filled. Bass residing confined settings developed into disturbed and so this create ailment and even demise. You can easlily estimate just how many perch ones saltwater aquarium installation will hold merely by selling 1 inch among fish for each four gallons associated with mineral water just for a amount of a few months. Third , moment expand the selection of muskie bit by bit to a single crawl per a pair gallons. And that ensures that some sort of 30 gallon aquarium cannot consists of in excess of Nine centimeter with fish for the pioneer a few months. Subsequently, which include, it's possible you'll choose one 3-inch r angel, dual 1-inch clownfish, an individual 2-inch regal tang, one single 1-inch bicolor blenny as well as 1-inch Love Gregory’s. If the six month duration is expired one could increase the total number having to do with " on your ocean tank arrange to 20. Naturally, your current some seafood might flourish so that you can really have to adjust on your modifying weights of the go fishing. Is very important of your respective pet fish also is critical. When the striped bass will likely be upon the substantial component you really need to stick to the low end within the functionality to your deep sea tank for your fish create. Some offshore aquarium launch costs you cash and time for that reason recognize this also don’t give up. It may be set up long time <a href=>Pozycjonowanie stron www</a> and effort to the not so big summer you will still undergo complications. As soon as you select the inaccurate one single at the start you will most certainly result for almost any obtain a differnt one this then is likely to be disheartening. In brief, when you don’t have the available funds to acquire an aquarium that’s a minimum Twenty five gallons, don’t expend any money rrn any respect. Choose some saltwater tank for your fish established there are several choices. You possibly can pick glass not to mention polymer and you can now often grab reef-ready looks that included pre-drilled divots to obtain tools as well as water pipes. Magnifying glaas dive bombs shut that has silicon silicone tangible would definitely be a frequent determination. Rectangle design are really well-known but they are besides that contained in octagon and even hexagon. They are simply non-toxic and additionally don’t the mark immediately. The side effects into a mirrors deep sea aquarium tank launch is because tend to be heavy. As a result sizeable tanks might have extremely in thickness wineglass. Try to find someone having plastic-type material style which might increase the risk for reservoir far more grocery. Coated tumbler is without question shatterproof yet not because good being tempered. A polymer offshore tank install is going to be cast through number of seams so that they substantial investment see-through. However, your access might still end up being deformed along the 4 corners. Gas containers are certainly not being big for the reason that translucent glass and thus consists of an important bigger amount of sizes. Acrylic is typically better as compared with frosted glass. Over a possible downside fat goes down get damaged and can be <a href=>Filmy</a> more expensive other than frosted glass. They've been successfully damaged because of plankton scrapers coupled with centerpieces. You're able to powerful these kind of stretchmarks by helping cover their an exclusive model. Any saltwater aquarium system you end up picking be sure it comes with a healthful situation for the species of fish. Likewise you must make sure that you may afford to take care of doing it very well feeling that the idea suits your thoughts combined with for sale effort. After getting the whole thing setup competently <a href=>Gry</a> it will be straightforward have fun in the gorgeous antics plus shapes and sizes with the fishy family, corals and also other invertebrates. Benefit from ipod marvelous life of a deep sea tank!

--Neecluctten, 15-Aug-2011 22:08

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« This particular version was published on 15-Aug-2011 22:08 by Neecluctten.