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; Pl Name                            Rk Co Club  MMS  SOSSOSOS
   1 Ahvenniemi Mikko                1D FI  eGo   32   94  279 0    3+/b0    5+/w0    2?/w0
     Pulkkinen Olli                  2D FI YliG   32   94  279 0    6+/w0    4+/w0    1?/b0
   3 Hemming Henry                   3D FI  HGK   31   93  277 0    1-/w0    9+/b0    6?/b0
   4 Leppala Kalle                   1D FI  OGP   31   93  276 0    8+/w0    2-/b0    7?/b0
   5 Sovanto Ilkka                   3D FI  OGP   31   92  278 0    9+/w0    1-/b0    8?/b0
   6 Erkkila Eetu                    1D FI YliG   31   92  277 0    2-/b0   10+/b0    3?/w0
   7 Kautto Ville                    1K FI xxxx   31   89  276 0   10+/b0    8+/w0    4?/w0
   8 Lajunen Pekka                   3D FI Hels   30   93  274 0    4-/b0    7-/b0    5?/w0
   9 Niemi Antti                     1D FI YliG   30   91  275 0    5-/b0    3-/w0   10?/w1
  10 Tsarigradski Nikola             2K FI Haya   28   90  272 0    7-/w0    6-/w0    9?/b1
  11 Lemstrom Mika                   6K FI  eGo   26   71  199 0    0+      12+/w5    0=   
  12 Liljeroth Thomas               13K FI xxxx   18   55  166 0   13+/w2   11-/b5    0=   
  13 Akren Mia                      16K FI YliG   15   44  139 0   12-/b2    0=       0=   

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« This particular version was published on 20-May-2023 17:48 by