{{10.4.2007 Finnish Go Association information - Official English information page}} 

[Suomen Go-liitto suomeksi|Suomen Go Liitto] 

The Finnish Go Association is an active go organisation in Finland and has the biggest go community in the Nordic countries. Currently (2006) the Finnish Go Association has 9 member clubs and the player base is larger than 500 in the Finnish ranking list. 
See also [Go In Finland Summary]. 
* Email address: <finland@european-go.org>\\ 
* President: Suvi Leppänen\\ 
* Vice President: Matti Siivola\\
* Secretary: Teemu Rovio 
* Treasurer: Antti Holappa\\ 
* Communications: Vesa Laatikainen 
* [Contact list for go clubs in Finland|Kerhot], mostly in Finnish 
At least the following clubs have pages in English  
* [Helsinki Go Club|http://www.european-go.org/finland/clubs/helsinki/] -- Helsinki 
* [Pogo|http://pogo.tky.fi/index.php?page=index&lang=en] -- Helsinki University of Technology - Espoo 
* [Yligo|http://www.helsinki.fi/jarj/yligo/english.html] -- Helsinki University - Helsinki 
* [Turku Hayashi|http://vco.ett.utu.fi/hayashi/] -- Turku 
* [Club evenings|Peli-illat]  
* [Tournaments|Turnaukset]  
* [Finnish ranking list|Luokituslista] -- Active players in Finland with club, EGF-rank and Gor information when available