Time table (draft)
saturday | - | |
morning | ships from Turku and Sockholm | |
ca.15.15 | saapuminen Maarianhaminaan | |
ca.16.00 | 1st round | |
- | 2 nd round | |
sunday | - | |
n 1.35 | ship to Helsinki (if in a hurry) | |
aamupäivä | some progeam | |
n 15.30 | ships to Turku and Stokholm | |
monday | ||
n 1.35 | ship to Helsinki |
name | play in Saturday | play in Sunday | |
Matti | Yes | Most likely | |
Teemu R. | Yes | Most likely | |
Mistä kuukaudesta on kyse? Mikäli ajankohta sopii, niin ainahan sitä nyt sveduja lähdetään pöllyttämään! :-)
... and in answer, thus spake The Oracle: The first or the second weekend in May.
-- Teemu 2003-02-19
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This particular version was published on 19-Feb-2003 12:47 by TeemuRovio.