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(Lyhennetty sähköpostiviestistä 17.11.2005)

To contact persons and strong players in the EGF

Characteristics and conditions are mentioned in the outline attached to this message. Most interesting is the fact that there are THREE places available for Europe in the World Go Oza, the professional world championship.

Their are three groups of players:

  1. Top players that are personally invited.
  2. National representatives from most EGF member organisations (only if they have no player in category 1.
  3. Everyone else (rating above 2350) that wants to apply.

Please contact your national organisation about the qualification procedure for category 2 or apply individually under category 3. Please inform other strong players in your country that they can apply individually for a place in the tournament.

Please note that the invitation for top players and national represenatives stands until the 11st of December. Individual players can join until December 20.

With best regards,

Frank Janssen tournament director

  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
  • European Go Cultural Centre
  • Schokland 14
  • NL-1181 HV Amstelveen
  • The Netherlands
  • Tel: +31-20-6455555
  • Fax: +31-20-6473209
  • Email:
  • *
  • * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

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European_Go_Oza 2006.doc 68.6 kB 1 18-Nov-2005 10:44 Vesa
« This particular version was published on 18-Nov-2005 10:43 by Vesa.