!!The Feudal Go Brotherhood of Espoo


The Feudal Go Brotherhood of Espoo (Espoo Go Club) warmly wishes you welcome!
Please come and enjoy playing Go with us.

!The Club

Our club was established in late 2010. It grew from an idea shared by a couple of people into a meeting held by eight, and reached 30 members by March 2011. Already it is a full member of the Finnish Go Association. It has also been registered to the Register of Associations in Finland.

!''How can'' I participate?
* eGo meets weekly on Thursdays in Sello's [William K|http://www.oluthuone.com/leppavaara_eng.html] in Leppävaara. We usually gather at around 18:00, but [check this week's schedule|Espoon feodaalinen go-veljeskunta]. You can fill your name in in advance.
* eGo also infrequently arranges tournaments and other events. See our contact information for more details.


eGo accepts non-Finnish members (as do most Finnish go clubs) and encourages everyone to participate. 
\\__Coming to play at our club is free__ of charge, but becoming a full member of our club costs.
\\Currently the fee is 10 € for joining, plus 10 € per year. Students and juniors only have to pay 5 € per year.

!Contact Info
* #eGo @ [IrcNet|http://www.ircnet.org/]
* eGo, group @ Facebook (invite only)
* eGo, club @ KGS (invite only)
* You can modify this page and add questions at the bottom if need be