Jaha. Lisää riepoteltavaa. Tämä on noin vartissa väsätty versio Metallican One - nimisestä biisistä, joka lienee monille tuttu. Parantaa ja korjailla saa vapaasti, kun ei varmaan rimmaa (tai ehdi lausua) kunnolla. Nimenkin voi toki vaihtaa, jos paremman keksii.

<Metallica - One>


Can’t calculate anything\\
Can’t tell if this is dead or kickin'\\
Deep down inside I feel to scream\\
This terrible aji makes me sick\\

Now that the game is over for me\\
I’m looking down I cannot believe\\
That there is nothing left for me\\
Nothing is real but loss now\\

Hold my breath as I wish for strength\\
Oh please Sai, wake in me\\

Back in fuseki it was much too real\\
I’d need at least two stones or three\\
But still I must try to compete\\
Look to the groups that can live\\

Cutting my groups and surrounding me\\
Just like in books that we read\\
Tried to run but you make me squeal\\
Don’t take these stones off from me\\

Hold my breath as I wish for strength \\
Oh please Sai, help me\\

Now connection’s gone the group’s alone\\
Oh Sai, help me hold my points as I wish for help\\
Oh please Sai, guide me\\

Black groups imprisoning me\\
I cannot see, I’m \\
Absolutely walled in\\
I cannot live \\
I cannot escape\\
Trapped in my base\\
Corner my holding cell\\

Tesuji has taken my eyes\\
Taken my space\\
Taken use of aji\\
Taken my moves\\
Taken my points\\
Taken my lead\\
Left me with sad story to tell\\

-- [Hannu-Pekka Rajaniemi|HPR]