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This page (revision-14) was last changed on 26-Sep-2011 23:59 by  

This page was created on 05-Sep-2005 00:16 by

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Difference between version and

At line 1 removed one line
Muutama linkki, päivitetty 7.9.2009:
At line 2 added 2 lines
!Muutama linkki, päivitetty 7.9.2009:
At line 10 added 3 lines
* Loppuvuoden suurin turnaus "Anapassa" Mustanmeren äärellä 13.-21. сентября (vrt. september)
* Alle 25-vuotiaiden suurehko turnaus Pietarissa 25.-27. syyskuuta
At line 15 added 4 lines
Tiedot löydetty auttavalla venäjäntaidolla ja kuulematta vielä paikallisten suosituksia. :)
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
14 26-Sep-2011 23:59 0.647 kB to previous
13 05-Oct-2009 11:54 0.584 kB to previous | to last
12 07-Sep-2009 13:33 0.551 kB Mikael Nenonen to previous | to last
11 07-Sep-2009 13:21 0.28 kB to previous | to last
10 18-Jul-2006 20:50 0.651 kB Anssi Voutilainen to previous | to last
9 18-Jul-2006 20:33 1.349 kB to previous | to last
8 18-Jul-2006 18:24 0.627 kB Ilkka Virta to previous | to last
7 18-Jul-2006 01:42 0.665 kB to previous | to last
6 14-Jul-2006 02:44 0.627 kB null to previous | to last
5 13-Jul-2006 22:15 0.978 kB to previous | to last
4 25-Jun-2006 22:23 0.594 kB Matti Siivola to previous | to last
3 24-Jun-2006 15:09 0.647 kB to previous | to last
2 27-Feb-2003 12:18 0.594 kB to previous | to last
1 05-Sep-2005 00:16 0.581 kB to last
« This page (revision-14) was last changed on 26-Sep-2011 23:59 by