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This page (revision-62) was last changed on 09-Jul-2010 21:14 by  

This page was created on 15-Apr-2010 09:24 by Markku Jantunen

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EuroGoTV uutisoi turnauksesta näin: "A month before the start of the EGC2010 the Tampere Championship Cup was held for local players. Markku Jantunen 3d was the winner, just before Tuomo Salo 3d and Oiva Moisio 1d". Tuo on luettu ilmeisesti EGD:n turnaustuloksista, josta vielä puuttuu finaali. Ihan hyvää mainosta toki kongressille, mutta jatkossa ei varmaan kannata lähettää turnaustuloksia ennen turnauksen päättymistä. --Suvi
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
62 09-Jul-2010 21:14 5.704 kB to previous Tampereen mestari on 2010 on Markku Jantunen
61 08-Jul-2010 15:02 5.61 kB to previous | to last TM-cupin mestaruus peli Markku Jantunen vs. Tuomo Salo pe 9.7. klo 18
« This page (revision-62) was last changed on 09-Jul-2010 21:14 by