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This page (revision-51) was last changed on 08-May-2007 10:07 by Jussi Paukku  

This page was created on 20-Oct-2004 17:51 by SuviLeppänen

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At line 6 changed 2 lines
|Go and gomoku | Suvi Leppänen | | Heti kun muistan :) |
|Get strong at the endgame | Janne Lahdenperä | | ? |
|Go and gomoku | | | |
|Get strong at the endgame | Antti Virtanen | | |
At line 12 changed one line
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 4 |Pertti Särelä | | Lähiaikoina |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 4 |Pertti Särelä | | Kysyttäessä |
At line 16 changed one line
|G.S.a. Life & Death |? | | ? |
|G.S.a. Life & Death |Petteri Hiisilä | | Kun joku kysyy |
At line 19 changed one line
|Killer of Go |Simo Eerola | | |
|Killer of Go |Kalle Kokkonen | | |
At line 23 changed 5 lines
|Attack and Defense |? | | ? |
|Fighting Ko |Jöffe | | lähiaikoina |
|Positional Judgement, High-Speed Game Analysis |Jöffe |SimoE | lähiaikoina |
|Nie Weiping On Go: The art of positional judgement |Jöffe | | lähiaikoina |
|Cross-Cut workshop |Jöffe | | lähiaikoina |
|Attack and Defense |Jöffe | | |
|Fighting Ko | | | |
|Positional Judgement, High-Speed Game Analysis |Markku | | |
|Nie Weiping On Go: The art of positional judgement ||||
|Cross-Cut workshop |Markku Jantunen|Pertti Särelä | kysyttäessä |
At line 29 changed one line
|Direction of Play | Pekka Wallendahl | | ei ennen TT'tä |
|Direction of Play | Pekka Wallendahl |Pertti Särelä | ei ennen TT'tä |
At line 32 added 4 lines
|Learn to play go vol II| Kimmo Penttilä | | |
|Learn to play go vol III| Kimmo Penttilä | | |
|Learn to play go vol IV| Kimmo Penttilä | | |
|Dictionary of Basic Tesuji vol.1| Ilkka Niemi | | |
At line 33 removed one line
At line 38 removed one line
[Antti T.|Antti Tarvainen],
At line 45 changed one line
Huopa (voisin luovuttaa jollekulle)
At line 48 removed one line
[Antti T.|Antti Tarvainen],
At line 57 removed one line
Mulla on hyllyssä "jonkun" (kerhon, jonkun muun?) Attack & defence. Kirjassa ei ole omistajan signatuuria, mutta tuntomerkkeinä kerrottakoon lievä kulahtaneisuus ja se, että kirja on ollut ainakin Pekalla joskus aikaa sitten lainassa. Tunnistaako joku omakseen tai kerhon kirjaksi, että voin palauttaa? --[Tapio|TapioVuorinen] 25.01.2005
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
51 08-May-2007 10:07 2.117 kB Jussi Paukku to previous
50 08-May-2007 10:07 2.11 kB PerttiSärelä to previous | to last
49 23-Mar-2006 17:48 2.084 kB to previous | to last
48 05-Oct-2005 15:53 2.118 kB to previous | to last
47 18-Sep-2005 20:29 2.125 kB to previous | to last
46 08-Sep-2005 12:42 2.071 kB to previous | to last
45 07-Sep-2005 21:03 2.224 kB Huopa to previous | to last
44 07-Sep-2005 18:44 2.262 kB to previous | to last
43 12-Jun-2005 20:48 2.217 kB to previous | to last
42 11-Jun-2005 02:14 2.211 kB to previous | to last
41 29-Apr-2005 09:30 2.197 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-51) was last changed on 08-May-2007 10:07 by Jussi Paukku