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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
game-01a.sgf 0.7 kB 1 07-Sep-2005 18:11 Vesa

This page (revision-121) was last changed on 08-Aug-2013 09:13 by  

This page was created on 01-Sep-2003 11:40 by JariKoivikko

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At line 18 changed one line
|11.-12.7.2006 03:00|61. Honinbo|VI|Takao Shinji|Yamada Kimio| IGS | 4-2 |
|11.-12.7.2006 03:00|61. Honinbo|VI|Takao Shinji|Yamada Kimio| IGS | 4-2 |[Peli|]
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
121 08-Aug-2013 09:13 1.326 kB to previous spämmi pois
« This page (revision-121) was last changed on 08-Aug-2013 09:13 by