At line 1 changed one line |
JoeOctober 16, 2012I am still having prlbeoms with this set up and eventually did get online, however 3 pc's are on one access and another pc is on a different one which means I cannot share files, printers etc. I did contact Belkin support who was willing to help me, for a nominal fee of $70 a fee I don't call nominal, but you can see how their support system works. Sell crap, and charge people to fix' it. Needless to say, while I'm stuck with this POS at the moment it will be the last Belkin product I'll buy. |
!!!Verkossa näytettävät ottelut aikoineen |
[Täältä|] löytyy pelitallenteita sekä tittelien tilanteet. [Gobase|] on toinen mahdollisuus, mutta sivusto vaatii rekisteröitymisen. |
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!![63. Honinbo|] (Japani) |
!Haltija: Takao Shinji, 9 dan |
!Haastaja: Hane Naoki, 9 dan |
||Päivä ja klo (Suomi)||Peli||Paikka||Tilanne||Linkki |
|14.-15.5.2008 03:00|I| IGS | 1-0 |[sgf|] |
|27.-28.5.2008 03:00|II| IGS | 2-0 |[sgf|] |
|11.-12.6.2008 03:00|III| IGS | 3-0 |[sgf|] |
|23.-24.6.2008 03:00|IV| IGS | | |
|1.-2.7.2008 03:00|V| IGS | | |
|16.-17.7.2008 03:00|VI| IGS | | |
|22.-23.7.2008 03:00|VII| IGS | | |
\\ |
!![46. Judan|] (Japani) |
!Haltija: Cho Chikun, 9 dan |
!Haastaja: Takao Shinji, 9 dan |
||Päivä ja klo (Suomi)||Peli||Paikka||Tilanne||Linkki |
|6.3.2008 02:00|I| IGS | 0-1 | [sgf|] |
|27.3.2008 02:00|II| IGS | 0-2 | [sgf|] |
|3.4.2008 03:00|III| IGS | 0-3 | [sgf|] |