At line 1 changed one line |
Tengen on hankkinut kerhon jäsenten käyttöön kasan kirjoja. Toisaalta Tengenin monet jäsenet antavat mielellään |
[Tengen] on hankkinut kerhon jäsenten käyttöön kasan kirjoja. Toisaalta Tengenin monet jäsenet antavat mielellään |
At line 8 added one line |
|Go Problems for Kyu Level Players 2| |x| | | |
At line 10 changed one line |
|Making Good Shape | |x| | | |
|Making Good Shape | |x| Karella? | | |
At line 12 changed 2 lines |
|Go for Beginners| |x| Asko "humppake" Soukka | | |
|The Second Book of Go | |x| [juhtolv] | | Luin jo kerran läpi. Koitan lukea vielä toisen kerran, mutta voitte tehdä jo varauksen. |
|Go for Beginners| |x| | | |
|The Second Book of Go | |x| | | |
|Invisible - The games of Alphago | |x| Harri M:lla | | |
|Lessons in the fundamentals of Go | |x| Pirkolla | | |
At line 30 changed one line |
|Chinese Opening, The| | x | | | |
|Chinese Opening, The| | x |Pekka | | |
At line 40 changed one line |
|Kato's Attack and Kill|x| |Tero| | |
|Kato's Attack and Kill| |x| | | |
At line 49 changed one line |
|Trick in Joseki| | x | | | |
|Tricks in Joseki| | x | | | |
At line 53 changed one line |
|Whole Board Thinking in Joseki, Vol. 2| | x | | | |
|Whole Board Thinking in Joseki, Vol. 2| | x |Pekka | | |
At line 56 changed one line |
Lisäksi yksi Choi Hun Hyun:in koreankielinen pulmakirja, jonka nimeä ei tiedetä. |
Lisäksi yksi Cho Hunhyun:in (sp) koreankielinen pulmakirja, jonka nimeä ei tiedetä. |
At line 70 changed one line |
!Juhapekka "naula" Tolvanen ([juhtolv]) |
!Juhapekka ”naula” Tolvanen ([juhtolv]) |
At line 74 changed one line |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 1| |x| | Ismo "CodeBlast" Horppu | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 1| |x| | | |
At line 86 added 12 lines |
!Paavo Martikainen |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta |
|1001 Problems of Life and Death| |x| | | |
|38 Basic Joseki| |x| | | |
|Get Strong at Attacking| |x | | |
|Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go| |x| | | |
|Making Good Shape| |x| | | |
|The Chinese Opening| |x| | | |
|The Invicible: Games of Shusaku| |x| | Ei lainattavissa.| |
|The Second Book of Go| |x| | | |
At line 86 changed 3 lines |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 2| |x| Einari Niskanen | [juhtolv] | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 3| |x| Einari Niskanen | | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 4| |x| Einari Niskanen | | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 2| |x| | | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 3| |x| | | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 4| |x| | | |
At line 90 changed one line |
|Life & Death| |x| [juhtolv] | | |
|Life & Death| |x| | | |
At line 111 added one line |
!Kimmo Penttilä |
At line 113 added 7 lines |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta |
|1001 Problems of Life and Death| |x| | | |
|Life & Death| |x | | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 2| |x| | | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 3| |x| | | |
|Attack & Defense| | | | | VR:n löytötavaratoimistossa jossainpäin suomea |
At line 113 changed 2 lines |
|Get Strong at the Opening|x| | | | |
|Handicap Go (Elementary Series vol 7)|x| | | | |
|Get Strong at the Opening|x| | | |kateissa| |
|Handicap Go (Elementary Series vol.7)|x| | | | |
|The Invincible|x| |Ville| | |
|Tesuji (Elementary Series vol.3)|x| | | | |
At line 116 removed one line |
At line 123 changed one line |
* Go For beginners |
* Go for Beginners |
At line 149 added 6 lines |
!! Kuopio |
! Kuopion kaupunginkirjasto |
*Go - jumalten peli |