At line 1 changed one line |
Tengen on hankkinut kerhon jäsenten käyttöön seuraavat kirjat: |
[Tengen] on hankkinut kerhon jäsenten käyttöön kasan kirjoja. Toisaalta Tengenin monet jäsenet antavat mielellään |
lainaan Go-kirjallisuuttaan: |
At line 5 changed 2 lines |
Kerho |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta| |
!!!Kerho |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta |
|Go Problems for Kyu Level Players 2| |x| | | |
At line 8 changed 2 lines |
|501 Opening Problems| |x| | | |
|Making Good Shape | |x| | | |
|501 Opening Problems| |x| Tomilla Kuopiossa | | |
|Making Good Shape | |x| Karella? | | |
At line 11 changed 2 lines |
|Go for Beginners| |x|[juhtolv]| | |
|The Second Book of Go | |x| humppake |[juhtolv]| | |
|Go for Beginners| |x| | | |
|The Second Book of Go | |x| | | |
|Invisible - The games of Alphago | |x| Harri M:lla | | |
|Lessons in the fundamentals of Go | |x| Pirkolla | | |
At line 16 changed one line |
Jäsenillä on myös omia kirjoja joita he voivat lainata: |
!!!Jäsenet |
At line 18 changed 5 lines |
Maunu Tuomainen (Jyväskylä) |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta|| |
|Tesuji| |x| | | | |
|38 Basic Joseki| |x| | | | |
|Go - Jumalten peli| |x| | | | |
!!Jyväskylä |
At line 24 changed 3 lines |
Janne Kujala (Jyväskylä) |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta|| |
|Come Up to Shodan| |x| | | | |
!Einari Niskanen |
At line 28 changed 9 lines |
tk (Jyväskylä) |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta|| |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 2| |x| | | | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 3| |x| | | | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 4| |x| | | | |
|Tesuji| |x| | | | |
|Life & Death| |x| | | | |
|38 Basic Joseki| |x| | | | |
|In The Beginning| |x| | | | |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta |
|1971 Honinbo Tournament, The| | x | | | |
|2nd EGF Ing Cup. A Tournament Book| | x | | | |
|3-3 point - Modern Opening Theory, The| | x | | | |
|All About Life and Death, Vol. 2| | x | | | |
|Appreciating famous games| | x | | | |
|Beyond Forcing Moves| | x | | | |
|Chinese Opening, The| | x |Pekka | | |
|Dictionary of Basic Joseki, Vol 1| | x | | | (Ei lainattavissa) |
|Dictionary of Basic Joseki, Vol 2| | x | | | (Ei lainattavissa) |
|Dictionary of Basic Joseki, Vol 3| | x | | | (Ei lainattavissa) |
|Fuseki (Nihon-Kiin)| | x | | | |
|Galactic Go, Vol. 1| | x | | | |
|Galactic Go, Vol. 2| | x | | | |
|Get Strong at Joseki 2| | x | | | |
|Igo Hatsuyo-ron, Vol. 1| | x | | | |
|Invincible, The| | x | | | (Ei lainattavissa. Pyhä kirja) |
|Kato's Attack and Kill| |x| | | |
|Korean Yearbook 2002| | x | | | |
|Lessons in Fundamentals of Go| | x | | | |
|Life and Master Games| | x | | | |
|Maeda Vol. 3| | x | | | |
|Middle Game of Go|x| |Jouni|Voin antaa pois/palauttaa| |
|Modern Joseki and Fuseki Vol. 1| | x | | | |
|Modern Joseki and Fuseki Vol. 2| | x | | | |
|Positional Judgement - Hi-speed game anylysis| | x | | | |
|Tricks in Joseki| | x | | | |
|Utilizing Outward Influence| | x | | | |
|Way of Play for the 21st Century, A| | x | | | |
|Whole Board Thinking in Joseki, Vol. 1| | x | | | |
|Whole Board Thinking in Joseki, Vol. 2| | x |Pekka | | |
|Winning a Won Game| | x | | | |
Lisäksi yksi Cho Hunhyun:in (sp) koreankielinen pulmakirja, jonka nimeä ei tiedetä. |
Se on jonkin sarjan 10. osa. |
!Janne "jvk" Kujala |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta |
|Come Up to Shodan| |x| | | |
!Joni Lähdesmäki |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta |
|Tesuji| |x| | | |
|Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go| |x| | | |
!Juhapekka ”naula” Tolvanen ([juhtolv]) |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta |
|Learn to Play Go Vol. I| |x| | | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 1| |x| | | |
!Maunu Tuomainen |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta |
|Tesuji| |x| | | |
|38 Basic Joseki| |x| | | |
|Go - Jumalten peli| |x| | | |
!Paavo Martikainen |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta |
|1001 Problems of Life and Death| |x| | | |
|38 Basic Joseki| |x| | | |
|Get Strong at Attacking| |x | | |
|Lessons in the Fundamentals of Go| |x| | | |
|Making Good Shape| |x| | | |
|The Chinese Opening| |x| | | |
|The Invicible: Games of Shusaku| |x| | Ei lainattavissa.| |
|The Second Book of Go| |x| | | |
!tk |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 2| |x| | | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 3| |x| | | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 4| |x| | | |
|Tesuji| |x| | | |
|Life & Death| |x| | | |
|38 Basic Joseki| |x| | | |
|In The Beginning| |x| | | |
At line 40 changed 4 lines |
Einari Niskanen (Jyväskylä) |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta|| |
|Middle Game of Go|x| |Jouni|Voin antaa pois/palauttaa| | |
|Kato's Attack and Kill|x| |Markus| | | |
!Kimmo Penttilä |
At line 45 changed 9 lines |
Jouni Kärkkäinen (Kuopio) |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta|| |
|Get Strong at Attacking|x| |Tomi | | | |
|Pelikokoelma: Nie Weiping|x| | | |kiinankielinen| |
|Pelikokoelma, toimittanut Liang Wei Tang|x| | | |kiinankielinen| |
|Pelikokoelma, kansainvälisiä pelejä|x| | | |kiinankielinen| |
|Second Book of Go|x| | | | | |
|Attack and Defense|x| | | | | |
|In the Beginning|x| | | | | |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta |
|1001 Problems of Life and Death| |x| | | |
|Life & Death| |x | | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 2| |x| | | |
|Graded Go Problems for Beginners 3| |x| | | |
|Attack & Defense| | | | | VR:n löytötavaratoimistossa jossainpäin suomea |
At line 55 changed 4 lines |
Tomi (Kuopio) |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta|| |
|Get Strong at the Opening|x| | | | | |
|Handicap Go (Elementary Series vol 7)|x| |Markus| | | |
!!Kuopio |
At line 122 added 33 lines |
!Jouni Kärkkäinen |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta |
|Get Strong at Attacking|x| | | | |
|Pelikokoelma: Nie Weiping|x| | | |kiinankielinen |
|Pelikokoelma, toimittanut Liang Wei Tang|x| | | |kiinankielinen |
|Pelikokoelma, kansainvälisiä pelejä|x| | | |kiinankielinen |
|Second Book of Go|x| | | | |
|Attack and Defense|x| | | | |
|In the Beginning|x| | | | |
!Tomi |
||Kirja||Kuo||Jkl||Laina||Varaus||Muuta |
|Get Strong at the Opening|x| | | |kateissa| |
|Handicap Go (Elementary Series vol.7)|x| | | | |
|The Invincible|x| |Ville| | |
|Tesuji (Elementary Series vol.3)|x| | | | |
!!! Kaupunkien ja yliopistojen kirjastot |
!! Jyväskylä |
! Jyväskylän kaupunginkirjasto |
* Go for Beginners |
* Go - jumalten peli |
!! Kuopio |
! Kuopion kaupunginkirjasto |
*Go - jumalten peli |