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fi.1v.png 5.3 kB 1 24-Mar-2005 16:59 Sorcerer

This page (revision-55) was last changed on 06-Nov-2007 13:09 by JariKoivikko  

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Alla oleva vastaus lähetettiin Seong Keunille.
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Matti! Could you help me ?\\
I need some your help.\\
After coming back to Korea, I have to present about "Everything of Finland Go" \\
So My question follow like that. \\
1. Go Population!
* [1000|Matti]
[Teemu Hirsimäki], 24.3.2005
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2. Go Active member(paid member)
* [117 |Matti]
Pitäisköhän tämä sivu laittaa talteen jollakin nimellä "yhteenveto gosta suomessa" tms?
Ei tarvitsisi uudestaan aina koota, kun joku kysyy...
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See figure fi.1v.png for the number of active players over the recent years. An active player here means a player, who has participated in a tournament during the last 12 months - and a tournament means a tournament, whose results were sent to EGF (European Go Federation).
[Lauri Paatero]
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3. About Go clubs.... (How do Go players operate ....? )\\
* There are around 13 more or less official clubs in Finland. The clubs organize one or two club evenings in a week and sometimes tournaments too. There are also players living in cities without any go club. They can meet other go players in the Internet on go servers.
Siirretty sivulle [Go In Finland Summary] -- [Vesa] 6.10.2006
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4. Strong player! ( Just please introduce Dan plaryer! )\\
Attachmenttina olevaa kuvaa ei ole selitetty, mutta jos siinä on virallisten jäsenten määrä niin tekstissä mainittu 117 on pahasti alakanttiin
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Top players by rank:
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*LAATIKAINEN Vesa 5 dan. Several times Finnish Champion, Nordic Champion and Finnish Kisei. Began to play in xxxx (?).
*SIIVOLA Matti 5 dan. Several times Finnish Champion. Has played for 25 years.
*PAATERO Lauri 3 dan.
*LOUNELA Olli 3 dan. Popular teacher.
*JANTUNEN Kare 3 dan.
*TÖRMÄNEN Antti 3 dan. Junior player from Oulu. Has made impressive progress in a short time.
*PUHA Timo 3 dan.
En tiedä, mistä tuo käyrä tulee, mutta varmaan olisi jo tiedossa jäsenmäärä vuonna 2005:kin. Eli joku tietävä voisi päivittää. Lisäksi voisi laittaa luokitusjakauman. Jollain (delic?) oli sellainen pullautin, joka suoraan luokituslistasta tekee jakaumakäppyrän. Ehkä sen voisi laittaa? Jatkoin tätä keskustelua tähän, vaikka sivu on siirretty Go In Finland Summaryyn. Ajattelin, että lienee parempi, ettei sillä sivulla ole keskeneräisiä keskusteluita, kun se on eräänlainen infosivu ja vieläpä etusivulta linkattu. -- Jaakko S, 9.10.2006
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Top four players have played over 20 years, and have been dan players for a lont time.
On eri asia olla 'paid member' joka tässä tarkoittaa liiton jäsenmaksun maksamista kuin osallistua johonkin gor-turnaukseen mitä käppyrän numerot tuntuvat noudattavan melko hyvin. -- Gardan, 9.10.2006
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Äkkiä kirjoittelin. Laajentakaa paremmin tietävät asiaa.
5. Competitions( Ranking System....)\\
Ranking system is in Japanese style. First kyu is strong European 1k level, and the following rank is 1 dan. Highest ranks are 5 dan, as above.
Ranks are given by individual players, and higher ranks (say 3 kyu and up) can only be granted by the Ratings board or specially appointed club members who have ranking rights. Reaching 1 dan required consistent results in major tournaments, either international tournaments or Finnish Championship & qualifiers.\\
6. Education/ Promotion ( for bigginer, children...)\\
Go education and promotion has been only on volunteer basis because of lack of funds. The game has become popular thanks to the Internet, some media coverage (but rare) and (perhaps) Hikaru no Go. Also, new players often do their best to teach the game to their friends, with some success.
Many of new players are university students, and student clubs are among the biggest clubs.
7. National body ( How does Go Assosiation consist of ? )\\
(president, Secretary, treasurer, etc....)
The board of Finnish Go Association consist of president, secretary, treasurer, vice president, and other members of the board, not more than 10 all together.
The association is a member of both European (EGF) and International (IGF) go federations, coordinates the Finnish Championship tournaments and the Finnish GP tournament series.
8. Go history in Finland.\\
Helsinki go club was founded around 1978. Ten players participated in the first Finnish championship played in 1981. The Finnish Go Association was founded in 1987. At that time other clubs were starting to appear more actively.
During the 90's, new clubs were started gradually and number of players increased slowly. There began to be need for a separate qualification tournament before the main championship tournament.
Significant increase in players started around 2000. In 2000, 33 players played in the qualification tournament, and in 2004, 42 players.
9. About Go Magazin in Finland\\
Fifteen numbers of Sente magazine was published during 1986 - 2000. After that, Vesa Laatikainen, the author of Sente, has published more go essays in the Internet. There is also the Nordic Go magazine ([Nordisk GoBlad|]), which is published in the Internet.
Currently most active forum in Finland is [Go Wiki|].
10. Go tournement (in Finland)\\
kopio turnauskalenterista tähän?
* In recent years, there has been about 15 national tournaments that have been organized regularly every year. In addition, many clubs have held local championship tournaments or ranking tournaments.
And Could you send me some picture related Go ????\\
* Ajattelin pistää tämän kuvan: [|]
I wait your response!\\
Sorry for my requesting...\\
I have to finish my work within a week.\\
Take care\\
Greetings Seong Keun!!\\
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[Teemu Hirsimäki]: Mä voin vaikka lähettää tiedot torstaina (24.3.) illalla Seong Keunille. Lisäilkää vapaasti juttua aina siihen asti.
1. Go Population in Finland
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[Teemu Hirsimäki]: Tässä viesti jonka aion lähettää. Pikaiset korjaukset ehtivät vielä mukaan.
1. Go Population!
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2. Go Active member(paid member)
2. Active members (paid members)
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There are 13 more or less official clubs in Finland. The clubs
There are 15 more or less official clubs in Finland. The clubs
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club. They can meet other go players in the Internet on go servers.
club. They can meet other go players on the Internet on go servers.
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Top 7 players by rank:
Top 10 players by rank (according to official ranking list):
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* LAATIKAINEN Vesa 5 dan. Several times Finnish Champion, Nordic Champion and Finnish Kisei.
* LAATIKAINEN Vesa 5 dan. Several times Finnish Champion, Nordic
Champion and Finnish Kisei.
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* TÖRMÄNEN Antti 4 dan. A junior player from Oulu. He has made
impressive progress in a short time.
* JANTUNEN Kare 3 dan.
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* VISALA Kari 3 dan.
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* JANTUNEN Kare 3 dan.
* TÖRMÄNEN Antti 3 dan. A junior player from Oulu. He has made impressive progress in a short time.
* SEURANEN Esa 3 dan.
* HOLAPPA Antti 3 dan.
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Top four players have played over 20 years, and have been dan players
for a long time.
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kyu and up) are usually granted by the ratings committee or specially
kyu and up) are usually granted by the rating committee or specially
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more go essays in the Internet. There is also the Nordic Go magazine
(Nordisk GoBlad), which is published in the Internet. Currently most
more go essays on the Internet. There is also the Nordic Go magazine
(Nordisk GoBlad), which is published on the Internet. Currently most
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10. Go tournements in Finland
10. Go tournaments in Finland
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Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
55 06-Nov-2007 13:09 5.546 kB JariKoivikko to previous
54 06-Nov-2007 12:51 5.631 kB to previous | to last
53 21-Oct-2006 10:04 5.546 kB Lauri Paatero to previous | to last
52 21-Oct-2006 09:38 5.586 kB Eric to previous | to last
51 20-Oct-2006 22:07 5.546 kB Lauri Paatero to previous | to last
50 20-Oct-2006 21:03 5.587 kB Frank to previous | to last
49 20-Oct-2006 15:31 5.546 kB to previous | to last
48 20-Oct-2006 15:03 5.586 kB Jose to previous | to last turha kommentti
47 20-Oct-2006 13:19 5.546 kB Matti Siivola to previous | to last turha kommentti
46 20-Oct-2006 12:45 5.588 kB George to previous | to last poistin kommentin
45 20-Oct-2006 09:01 5.546 kB to previous | to last poistin kommentin
44 20-Oct-2006 08:02 5.587 kB Gomez to previous | to last turha kommentti
43 19-Oct-2006 20:09 5.546 kB Matti Siivola to previous | to last turha kommentti
42 19-Oct-2006 19:54 5.587 kB Spiky to previous | to last turha kommentti
41 19-Oct-2006 08:08 5.546 kB Lauri Paatero to previous | to last
« This page (revision-55) was last changed on 06-Nov-2007 13:09 by JariKoivikko