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This page (revision-1189) was last changed on 09-Sep-2024 03:38 by  

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!!!Peli-ilta YliGon kerhohuoneella sunnuntaina 19.10.2014 klo 17:00 alkaen
At line 3 removed 21 lines
Tapahtuman vastuuhenkilönä toimii Arto Heikkinen. Kerhohuoneen katuosoite on __[Mannerheimintie 5 B, 4. kerros|,24.957161&sspn=0.115387,0.32135&ie=UTF8&z=16&om=1]__. Peli-ilta alkaa klo 17:00 ja päättyy viimeistään klo 01:00. Jos ulko-ovi on kiinni, voi soittaa Artolle numeroon __050 304 3850__. Numeroni löytyy myös ulko-oveen teipatusta paperista.
Illan erikoisuus: Jaan pelipaikalla kilon suklaata (Fazerin sininnen) kaikille suklaan ystäville. Tuon paikalle myös litran viskiä. Saa juoda vaikka kaiken.
Suunnitelmissa on, että tulevina sunnuntai-iltoina pelataan aina kerhohuoneella. Kirjoitin pelipaikan muuttamisesta hieman enemmän [YliGon tiedotussivulle|YliGoTiedottaa].
Kaikki ovat tervetulleita peli-iltaan!
-''Arto 15.10.2014''
!!!Club evening at YliGo's club room on Sunday 19th of October starting at 17:00
Arto will be the person in charge of the club evening. Street address of the club room is __[Mannerheimintie 5 B, 4th floor|,24.957161&sspn=0.115387,0.32135&ie=UTF8&z=16&om=1]__. The club evening starts at 17:00 ands ends at 01:00 at the latest. If the exterior door is closed, you can call Arto: __050 304 3850__. The number is also on a paper on the door.
Evening speciality: I will give away 1 KG of Fazerin sininen chocolate for all chocolate lovers. I will also bring 1 litre of whisky. You are free to drink all of it, if you like.
YliGo's plan is that on coming Sundays we will always play at our club room. I wrote a bit more about moving the Kultapalmu evening to our club room [here|YliGoTiedottaa].
Everyone's welcome to the club room evening on Sunday!
-''Arto 15.10.2014''
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
1189 09-Sep-2024 03:38 0.002 kB to previous meni jo
1188 05-Sep-2024 19:55 0.097 kB to previous | to last
1187 01-Sep-2023 00:25 0.002 kB Mika to previous | to last
1186 31-Aug-2023 15:44 0.158 kB to previous | to last
1185 30-Aug-2023 22:09 0.151 kB Mika to previous | to last Kaisla torstaina
1184 30-Aug-2023 16:49 0.312 kB Mika to previous | to last
1183 30-Aug-2023 10:00 0.312 kB Mika to previous | to last 30.8. d20 taproom, Otaniemi
1182 30-Aug-2023 09:51 0.313 kB Mika to previous | to last ke 30.8. d20 taproom, Otaniemi
1181 30-Aug-2023 09:44 0.31 kB Mika to previous | to last 30.8. d20 taproom, Otaniemi
« This page (revision-1189) was last changed on 09-Sep-2024 03:38 by