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This page (revision-25) was last changed on 16-Jul-2006 12:40 by Jari Koivikko  

This page was created on 05-Sep-2005 00:13 by Sorcerer

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At line 10 changed one line
Aikataulu: Pelit aloitetaan n. 18:00, ja pelejä voi pelata valomerkkiin(?) saakka... \\
Aikataulu: Pelit aloitetaan n. 18:00, ja pelejä voi pelata myöhemmin säädettyyn aikaan saakka... \\
At line 12 added one line
At line 18 changed 2 lines
| [{Counter}] | Ari Kauppi (hyvin todennäköinen ehkä) | 1 kyu | OGP | Luultavasti joo |
| [{Counter}] | Jari Koivikko | 2 kyu | HGK | Ei |
| [{Counter}] | Ari Kauppi | 1 kyu | OGP | Luultavasti joo |
| [{Counter}] | Ari-Pekka Perkkiö | 2 kyu | PoGo | Ei |
At line 22 changed one line
| [{Counter}] | Juuso Väätäinen | 10 kyu | HGK | Luultavasti ei|
| [{Counter}] | Juho Heikkinen | 6 kyu | PoGo | Ei |
| [{Counter}] | Lasse Kantola | 6 kyu | PoGo | Ei |
| [{Counter}] | Risto Linnoskivi | 19 kyu | Hellu | Luultavasti ei |
| [{Counter}] | Antti Hauhtonen | 23 kyu | PoGo | Luultavasti ei |
At line 35 removed 4 lines
| [{Counter}] | | | | |
| [{Counter}] | | | | |
| [{Counter}] | | | | |
| [{Counter}] | | | | |
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
25 16-Jul-2006 12:40 1.424 kB Jari Koivikko to previous
24 16-Jul-2006 12:09 14.486 kB to previous | to last
23 08-Feb-2004 02:41 1.424 kB Falla to previous | to last
22 05-Sep-2005 00:13 1.495 kB Falla to previous | to last
21 05-Sep-2005 00:13 1.422 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-25) was last changed on 16-Jul-2006 12:40 by Jari Koivikko