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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
pelipaikka.png 151.0 kB 1 10-Feb-2013 12:35 J. Alanko
pogosaannot.txt 14.4 kB 1 10-Feb-2013 21:22 PoGon säännöt
pylvasDiagrami.png 3.0 kB 1 21-Jan-2013 21:01 J. Alanko Statistiikkaa

This page (revision-1692) was last changed on 17-Feb-2025 21:31 by Mika  

This page was created on 29-Oct-2002 09:43 by TeemuHirsimäki

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Difference between version and

At line 12 changed one line
!Maanantai 10.2.2025 [Taproom d20|], Otaniemi klo 17–
!Maanantai 24.2.2025 [Taproom d20|], Otaniemi klo 17–
At line 15 removed 2 lines
|[{Counter}]| Yutong | 10k Beginner| 10/02/2025 |
|[{Counter}]| Mika 6 kyū| 17:00| |
At line 20 added 2 lines
|[{Counter}]| | | |
|[{Counter}]| | | |
At line 26 changed 5 lines
| 1.1.2024| 1| 3.6.2024|1 |2.9.2024 | 2
| 1.4.2024| 6| 1.7.2024|2 |23.9.2024 |1
| 8.4.2024| 2| 13.7.2024|10 |23.12.2024 |
|15.4.2024| 1| 15.7.2024|kesätauko | |
|29.4.2024| 2| 22.7.2024|3 | |
| 10.2.2025| 3| | | |
| 17.2.2025| 2| | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
At line 32 changed 7 lines
Keskiarvo: 2,818\\
Harmoninen keskiarvo: 1,667\\
Neliöllinen keskiarvo: 3,873\\
Otoskeskihajonta: 2,786\\
Otosvarianssi: 7,764
Keskiarvo: 3,50\\
Harmoninen keskiarvo: 2,40\\
Neliöllinen keskiarvo: 2,55\\
Otoskeskihajonta: 0.707\\
Otosvarianssi: 0,5
At line 120 added 16 lines
||Päivä ||Pelaajamäärä || Päivä || Pelaajamäärä || Päivä || Pelaajamäärä
| 1.1.2024| 1| 3.6.2024|1 |2.9.2024 | 2
| 1.4.2024| 6| 1.7.2024|2 |23.9.2024 |1
| 8.4.2024| 2| 13.7.2024|10 |23.12.2024 |
|15.4.2024| 1| 15.7.2024|kesätauko | |
|29.4.2024| 2| 22.7.2024|3 | |
Keskiarvo: 2,818\\
Harmoninen keskiarvo: 1,667\\
Neliöllinen keskiarvo: 3,873\\
Otoskeskihajonta: 2,786\\
Otosvarianssi: 7,764
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
1692 17-Feb-2025 21:31 13.611 kB Mika to previous
1691 17-Feb-2025 21:31 13.601 kB Mika to previous | to last
1690 17-Feb-2025 16:37 13.613 kB Mika to previous | to last
1689 17-Feb-2025 16:34 13.613 kB to previous | to last
1688 13-Feb-2025 09:45 13.6 kB Mika to previous | to last Games at Monday
1687 10-Feb-2025 20:46 13.638 kB Mika to previous | to last
1686 10-Feb-2025 17:01 13.677 kB Mika to previous | to last
1685 10-Feb-2025 16:32 13.639 kB to previous | to last
1684 10-Feb-2025 16:27 13.636 kB to previous | to last
1683 10-Feb-2025 13:53 13.63 kB Mika to previous | to last
1682 10-Feb-2025 10:58 13.334 kB Mika to previous | to last PoGo
1681 10-Feb-2025 10:57 13.334 kB Mika to previous | to last
« This page (revision-1692) was last changed on 17-Feb-2025 21:31 by Mika