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Kind Attachment Name Size Version Date Modified Author Change note
pelipaikka.png 151.0 kB 1 10-Feb-2013 12:35 J. Alanko
pogosaannot.txt 14.4 kB 1 10-Feb-2013 21:22 PoGon säännöt
pylvasDiagrami.png 3.0 kB 1 21-Jan-2013 21:01 J. Alanko Statistiikkaa

This page (revision-1647) was last changed on 16-Sep-2024 18:51 by Mika  

This page was created on 29-Oct-2002 09:43 by TeemuHirsimäki

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Difference between version and

At line 7 changed one line
%%(Peli-illat ovat maanantaisin kello 17, [Fat Lizard ravintolassa|], Tietotie 1, Espoo.)
Peli-illat ovat maanantaisin kello 17, %%([Fat Lizard ravintolassa|], Tietotie 1, Espoo.)%%
Taproom d20, Otakaari 27, Otaniemi
At line 11 changed one line
!Maanantai 3.6. Taproom d20, a blank (otakaari 27), Otaniemi klo 17–
!Maanantai 1.7. Taproom d20, Otakaari 27, Otaniemi klo 17–
At line 14 removed one line
|[{Counter}]| Mika| 6 kyū| 17 |
At line 20 added one line
|[{Counter}]| | | |
At line 24 changed one line
| 1.1.2024| 1| | | |
| 1.1.2024| 1| 3.6.2024|1 | |
At line 30 changed 7 lines
Keskiarvo: 2,4\\
Harmoninen keskiarvo: 1,579\\
Neliöllinen keskiarvo: 3,033\\
Otoskeskihajonta: 2,074\\
Otosvarianssi: 4.3
Keskiarvo: 2,167\\
Harmoninen keskiarvo: 1,44\\
Neliöllinen keskiarvo: 2,799\\
Otoskeskihajonta: 1,941\\
Otosvarianssi: 3,767
At line 45 changed one line
We play every monday at 17:00, [Fat Lizard|], Tietotie 1, Espoo onward. Mark youself to the list at [PoGo]'s front page. The IRC-channel __!pogo__ can be accessed for example using [webchat|!pogo].
We play at Taproom d20, Otakaari 27, Otaniemi 17 o'clock %%(every monday at 17:00, [Fat Lizard|], Tietotie 1, Espoo)%% onward. Mark youself to the list at [PoGo]'s front page. The IRC-channel __!pogo__ can be accessed for example using [webchat|!pogo].
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
1647 16-Sep-2024 18:51 13.268 kB Mika to previous
1646 16-Sep-2024 17:30 13.268 kB Mika to previous | to last
1645 16-Sep-2024 14:56 13.28 kB Mika to previous | to last
1644 16-Sep-2024 14:55 13.279 kB Mika to previous | to last
1643 16-Sep-2024 14:55 13.278 kB Mika to previous | to last
1642 09-Sep-2024 16:12 13.266 kB Mika to previous | to last
1641 03-Sep-2024 18:31 13.278 kB Mika to previous | to last
« This page (revision-1647) was last changed on 16-Sep-2024 18:51 by Mika