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This page (revision-27) was last changed on 07-Jan-2006 15:28 by  

This page was created on 21-Oct-2005 16:31 by TiiaKekkonen

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At line 14 changed 7 lines
|Nimi |3.-4.12.|10.-11.12.|17.-18.12.|7.-8.1.|14.-15.1.|
|Antti Törmänen| x| x| x| x| x|
|Ville Ainali| x | x | x | x | x|
|Janne Kössö| x | | x | x | x |
|Marko Brockman| (x) | x | |x |x |
|Ville Rantala| ei| x| x| näillä näkymin käy| tod. näk. ei käy|
|Seppo Suorsa| x| x| x| x| x|
|Nimi |7.-8.1.|14.-15.1.|
|Antti Törmänen| x| x|
|Ville Ainali| x| x|
|Janne Kössö| x| x|
|Marko Brockman| x| x|
|Ville Rantala| x| tod. näk. ei käy|
|Seppo Suorsa| x| x|
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
27 07-Jan-2006 15:28 2.067 kB to previous
26 07-Jan-2006 15:28 2.066 kB to previous | to last
25 02-Jan-2006 23:12 2.025 kB to previous | to last
24 02-Jan-2006 21:33 2.032 kB to previous | to last
23 02-Jan-2006 21:32 2.033 kB to previous | to last
22 02-Jan-2006 21:30 1.925 kB to previous | to last
21 02-Jan-2006 21:24 1.632 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-27) was last changed on 07-Jan-2006 15:28 by