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This page (revision-21) was last changed on 18-Apr-2011 14:04 by Suvi Rovio  

This page was created on 05-Feb-2011 21:31 by

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Difference between version and

At line 20 changed one line
Meddelas senare
Normal avgift: 25 €\\
Junior avgift (för spelare under 18 år): 15 €\\
At line 23 added 3 lines
Verktygsavgift (för dem som har ett bräde, en klocka, och stenar med sig) : 5 Euro / verktyg
At line 39 changed one line
Meddelas senare
1. 200 € \\
2. 100 € \\
3. 75 € \\
4. 50 € \\
At line 48 added 2 lines
Alla som vinnar 5 spel eller mer: 50 €\\
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
21 18-Apr-2011 14:04 1.803 kB Suvi Rovio to previous
« This page (revision-21) was last changed on 18-Apr-2011 14:04 by Suvi Rovio