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This page (revision-12) was last changed on 30-Apr-2015 19:59 by Henri Schmidt  

This page was created on 25-Mar-2015 19:15 by

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Difference between version and

At line 3 changed 6 lines
|| Nr || Nimi || Luokitus |
| [{Counter}] | Pirkko Luoma |3 kyu |
| [{Counter}] | Henri Schmidt |1 dan |
| [{Counter}] | | |
| [{Counter}] | | |
| [{Counter}] | | |
|| Nr || Nimi/Name || Luokitus/Rank || Muuta/Additional info
| [{Counter}] | Cornel Burzo | 6 dan | Opettaja
| [{Counter}] | Henry Hemming | 2 dan | Kiinostunut osallistuun mökin vuokraamiseen.
| [{Counter}] | Pirkko Luoma | 3 kyu |
| [{Counter}] | Marko Silokunnas| 9 kyu |
| [{Counter}] | Mikko Neijonen | 12 kyu |
| [{Counter}] |Sampo Kainulainen |13 kyu |
At line 10 removed one line
| [{Counter}] | | |
At line 14 changed one line
| [{Counter}] | | |
| [{Counter}] | | |
| [{Counter}] | | |
| [{Counter}] | | |
| [{Counter}] | | |
| [{Counter}] | | |
At line 26 added 5 lines
Kyllä voi tulla pienen lapsen kanssa, tervetuloa! Toiseen tilaan pääsee tarvittaessa, lepohuoneita on käytössä.
Lähiseutujen majoitusta löytyy tästä:
Lähin alue on tuo Tarvola, Ala-Seppä (enimmillään n. 2 km). Muitakin mahdollisuuksia on vielä, hetkinen, tarkistan. Tässä lähin, matkaa n. 150 m:
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
12 30-Apr-2015 19:59 1.318 kB Henri Schmidt to previous
11 26-Apr-2015 20:56 1.359 kB to previous | to last
10 26-Apr-2015 12:36 1.359 kB to previous | to last
9 16-Apr-2015 11:04 1.336 kB Arto Heikkinen to previous | to last
8 09-Apr-2015 16:49 1.31 kB Henry Hemming to previous | to last
7 07-Apr-2015 08:08 1.103 kB to previous | to last
6 30-Mar-2015 20:59 1.081 kB to previous | to last
5 30-Mar-2015 10:55 1.059 kB to previous | to last
4 30-Mar-2015 08:31 0.987 kB to previous | to last
3 29-Mar-2015 21:44 0.667 kB to previous | to last Muutama kysymys pohtiessa
2 26-Mar-2015 09:12 0.367 kB to previous | to last
1 25-Mar-2015 19:15 0.35 kB to last
« This page (revision-12) was last changed on 30-Apr-2015 19:59 by Henri Schmidt