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This page (revision-22) was last changed on 06-May-2015 05:17 by  

This page was created on 26-Mar-2015 11:39 by

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__Accommodation__ Free floor accommodation at the camp (you can bring you own sleeping bag and sleeping pad. Lappajärvi also offers a wide range of [cabin and hotel accommodation|]. [Here's the closest one to the camp|] (about 150 m from the camp). When you pre-register for the camp, Write on the "Muuta" column, if you are interested in booking this cabin. This cabin is for five people and the price is 70 € / night. So with five people it's only 14 € / night for one participant.
__Accommodation__ Free floor accommodation at the camp (you can bring you own sleeping bag and sleeping pad. Lappajärvi also offers a wide range of [cabin and hotel accommodation|]. [Here's the closest one to the camp|] (about 150 m from the camp). When you pre-register for the camp, Write on the "Additional info" column, if you are interested in booking this cabin. This cabin is for five people and the price is 70 € / night. So with five people it's only 14 € / night for one participant.
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
22 06-May-2015 05:17 6.022 kB to previous
21 05-May-2015 19:22 6.025 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-22) was last changed on 06-May-2015 05:17 by