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This page (revision-101) was last changed on 03-Mar-2017 23:59 by Ilkka Mattila  

This page was created on 15-Nov-2006 11:01 by Vesa Laatikainen

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Suomen Go-liitto on saanut alustavan viestin korealaisesta Myongji-yliopistosta kolmen Baduk-opiskelijan (7 dan) opetusvierailusta Suomessa talvella 2007. Tällä hetkellä täsmällinen ajankohta ja henkilöt eivät ole tiedossa (todennäköisesti Takapotkun ajankohdan ympärillä), mutta tällä wiki-sivulla pyritään kartoittamaan halukkuutta opettajien kutsumiseen eri kerhoihin.
Suomen Go-liitto on sopimassa korealaisen Myongji-yliopiston kahden Baduk-opiskelijan (7 dan, ex-insei) opetusvierailusta Suomessa talvella 2007.
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Lainaus viestistä:
-- Vesa 8.12.2006 (kolmen sijaan kaksi -päivitys)
At line 5 removed 7 lines
''There are three students, two are female and one is male, all former INSEI. They are all good friends each other and want to go there together. (actually they are a little afraid of going abroad alone to teach foreign people in English) Howevre, because I'm not sure if it is possible for you to have them together, I just promised them I will ask you.
I know there will be more trouble when there are three. Please feel free to treat them as just two, especially in payment. If this is still too much bothersome, please let me know.
-- Vesa 15.11.2007
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
101 03-Mar-2017 23:59 10.844 kB Ilkka Mattila to previous IlkkaMattila ==> IlkkaSovanto
« This page (revision-101) was last changed on 03-Mar-2017 23:59 by Ilkka Mattila