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This page (revision-135) was last changed on 06-Feb-2011 18:38 by  

This page was created on 07-Oct-2004 12:26 by DonOlli

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Difference between version and

At line 35 changed 4 lines
* 23.10.
**DonOlli ja Hennna-chan ainakin paikalla.
**Mä tuun ehkä käymään. --Suvi
**Mä ja, jos herään ja muistan. --Tapio
* 30.10.
** SM-finaali Tuusulassa. Kukaan ei ole ilmoittanut Konttorissa olostaan.
At line 62 changed one line
* 23 Oct: At least DonOlli and Hennna-chan will be there.
* 30 Oct: Nobody has yes confirmed to be there.
Version Date Modified Size Author Changes ... Change note
135 06-Feb-2011 18:38 6.365 kB to previous
134 16-Dec-2008 10:28 6.355 kB to previous | to last Tiivistelmä sivun alkuun
133 27-Mar-2008 21:45 6.085 kB to previous | to last
132 12-Mar-2008 22:55 6.482 kB to previous | to last Pannaanpa tämä nyt virallisestikin lihoiksi.
131 17-Feb-2008 11:13 6.259 kB to previous | to last
130 16-Feb-2008 14:58 6.326 kB to previous | to last
129 16-Feb-2008 12:52 6.311 kB to previous | to last
128 10-Feb-2008 01:04 6.259 kB Ilkka Niemi to previous | to last
127 09-Feb-2008 15:07 6.456 kB LauriLintula to previous | to last
126 09-Feb-2008 12:54 6.369 kB Ilkka Niemi to previous | to last
125 29-May-2007 15:32 6.259 kB to previous | to last
124 29-May-2007 15:32 6.633 kB to previous | to last
123 20-Apr-2007 17:04 6.703 kB to previous | to last
122 20-Apr-2007 15:19 6.604 kB Suvi+Lepp%C3%A4nen to previous | to last
121 16-Apr-2007 14:44 6.737 kB to previous | to last
« This page (revision-135) was last changed on 06-Feb-2011 18:38 by